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Greetings, introductions, titles
Session 3
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Session 3

Greetings, introductions, titles


Session 3


Say hi!

Let's get started

Complete the challenges and review vocabulary.

01. Find a word

02. Spelling

03. Numbers

04. Commands

Est ei erat mucius quaeque. Ei his quas phaedrum, efficiantur mediocritatem ne sed, hinc oratio blandit ei sed.

Est ei erat mucius quaeque. Ei his quas phaedrum, efficiantur mediocritatem ne sed, hinc oratio blandit ei sed.

Est ei erat mucius quaeque. Ei his quas phaedrum, efficiantur mediocritatem ne sed, hinc oratio blandit ei sed.

Est ei erat mucius quaeque. Ei his quas phaedrum, efficiantur mediocritatem ne sed, hinc oratio blandit ei sed.

What about messages?

20.00 h

20.04 h

20.00 h

Informal chatting

20.20 h

Hi! How RU? Y not C a fil together? at my place?

What about 2N8?

Sorry, I have lots 2 do.THX anyway

Great! I`ll wait 4 U.


How much can you get?

  1. Write the info you can understand.

Gossiping time!

  1. Write some questions about personal information.
  2. Choose a partner and ask.


  1. Go to kahoot!

Practice Time!

Session 3


Listening practice1


Keep practicing!

Est ei erat mucius quaeque. Ei his quas phaedrum, efficiantur mediocritatem ne sed, hinc oratio blandit ei sed.

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