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Lidia Reyes ExpositoTeresa Toral Garcia

Words have consequences

What does it mean?

  • Words are able to disgust or make someone feel better.
  • We can say something in a way, and the other person can perceive it from another.
  • Not only the words are important, but even the way of saying them can change the meaning

Where could we notice them?

Sometimes, they appear in television programs, radio, discussions between acquaintances, on the street, etc.

The words help us to break limitations between languages, cultures or countries. Therefore, they are able to link the whole world.

Body shaming is defined as the act of making inappropriate and negative comments about another person’s weight or size.

One of the biggest Spanish-speaking streamers, prepared an event that went wrong, and he got angry. After this, many of his followers went to attack "te person who had the fault".

An insult is not an argument

What does it mean?

  • The purpose of an argument is to inform about a thought objectively.
  • When we use insults in a conversation, automatically respect would be lost.
  • If we use insults instead of structured arguments, we won't be able to change the point of view of the person we're talking to.

Where could we notice them?

They are in magazines, newspapers, television shows, movies, conversations between friends, on the Internet and social media sites.

We usually think, by using insults we could make the other person's opinion change, but not. Instead, we can prepare arranged arguments.

This fact can be seen in many rap singers, because they want to give the impression of beeing the best on the world.For example, in the song "Hit ‘Em Up" by 2Pac, he sais "That’s why I fucked your bitch, you fat motherfucker".