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presented by Aurore, Aloys, Jonathan, Oliwia and Enara


Waste and land



General information

Land pollution refers to the deterioration of the earth's land surfaces, at and below ground level. The cause is the accumulation of solid and liquid waste materials that contaminate groundwater and soil.

- Litter- Organization and construction- Minning - Agriculture

Lands and oceans



The decomposition timespan is different according to the object thrown away in the nature. For example, glass bottles will take 4000 years to degrade, while paper will “only” take 3 months.

Decomposition timespan of objects

Many countries lack the infrastructure to prevent plastic pollution.

At least 14 million tons of plastic end up in the ocean every year.The main sources of plastic debris found in the ocean are land-based.Under the influence of natural factors, plastic breaks down into small particles called microplastics and nanoplastics.

Ocean pollution

Activities against the pollution in each country


  • Seperating of waste
    • recycling in landfills
  • single use plastic products are prohibited
  • deposite bottle-systeme
    • get money if you bring your bottles back to the supermarket
    • from 3ct to 25ct

Deposit systeme

In Spain a new technique has been developed; it combines the decontamination in situ with the solar light and the ozoneThe testes will have place in in experimental plots


It is hoped that with this new technique the presence of pesticidal in the land is reduced in a 75% in Spain

• travel more often by bike or public transport,• take into account the principles of ecological driving,• replace coal stoves with ecological ones: electric, oil, gas or powered by renewable energy sources,• use a car with an exhaust gas catalytic converter,• use chimney filters,• kindle a coal furnace using the "top" method.


According to data provided by official stqtistics, the share of degraded soils in Poland is 2,7% of the country's area. The degradation to a large and very large extent covers 0.5% and to a medium and small extent-2.2%

Soil pollution in Poland

What to do next ?

Plastic packaging for fruits and vegetables,


Phase out disposable plastic by 2040.

What have been done

2016-2020 ; First plastics banned by the law.2021 ; bannishement of all plastic straws, single-use plates, and others.


Fighting wastes

When fighting against waste and environment pollution, France installed the bannishment of single-use plastic products




3R concept

- 23M of CO2 (weight avoided each year thanks of recycle) -3.7 million tonnes of packaging were recycled-80% : Professional WEEE (waste electrical and electronic equipment) now recycled.


production of plates made from wheat bran they can product around 15 millions of stuff per year

good initiative

Title 3

Title 2

Title 1

08. Timeline