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By Angel Antonio Uribe Flores

English Project

Because Christmas is a chance to make wishes come true and is a really beautiful season when you can enjoy the time with the people that you love and doing the things you like

May the magic of Christmas gladden your heart with the joys of the season.

Christmas is not just time when you receibe all the good gifts from the other persons, because it is all about the people you love, the season of joy, of gift-giving, and of families united

May you get chance to take in the beauty and true meaning of the season and have a Merry Christmas

Christmas must be celebrated with joy, fun, happyness, and the most important thing, the family who has been with you all the good and bad times and has always loved you.

I wish you and your family health, happiness, peace and prosperity this Christmas and in the coming New Year.

It is a very unique part of the life when you can really enjoy the time when you are having fun with the persons that gives you an essential part of the your life, love.

May you have great memories that will permanently touch your heart

The house while in the best season of the year, Christmas, must be beautiful because we all would love to see it as it is one of our most liked things in the world because it is our home, the place where we spend almost all of the time

May your home be filled with the joy of the Christmas season

In this season it is important to get some time to enjoy the good moments that may be taken into consideration because them would be some of the best moments of your life with the rest of your family.

May you get time to take in the beauty of this season

because we should not only receive the love and the gifts from the people, but we should do the same thing to the ones we love to show them our love

Christmas is a time for cherishing those who bring so many blessings to our lives

Every moment should be appreciated, even the most significant moment of our lifes, but they can make those moments become very beautiful memories that can be important in some moment for our well-being

Christmas is a season of enjoying the simple things that make life beautiful

It is fine if we spend this Christmas with our loved ones, but we can also make new friends to spend even with more people in this beautiful season.

make great friendships that will last a lifetime during this season

Christmas is when families and friends come together and give gifts to one another to celebrate their love for each other. There are not many better feelings in the world than when a loved one opens the gift you gave them and smiles. That is why Christmas is the best holiday.

I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year

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