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4 most famous places




By :Daniela



Extra information

The Reina Sofia art center it is the most visited monument.The museum was inaugurated on September 10, 1992.

Gran via is the most important street in Madrid.

PARQUE DEL RETIRO:The maximum depth of the retiro park is 1.81 meters.

MUSEO DEL PRADO:There are 36 works. The style of the museum is neoclassical architecture




The leanguage in Madrid is Spanish

The maximun temperature in Madrid is 10ºC degrees in winter.

The name typical clothing is chulapas.

Day one: This day I'm going to take a trip to Madrid.I left at 01:00 and arrived at 04:45.

The trip will be by car, it will take 3 hours and 45 minutes.I went to the Exe plaza hotel.

Day 1

The hotel cost 47 euros

I went to bus to the hotel

When I arrived I went for a walk and I saw a museum called Reina Sofia art center


In the morning I went to have breakfast at Panela & CO.

This food is healthy and very good.Food is cheap here.Cost 20 euros

In the afternoon a place to go is Gran Via.

Gran Via changed 1360 meters

At the night I went to the Algarabia restaurant

Day 3

In the morning I went to breakfast at the Rollerie.Cost 15 euros and 46 cents.

In the afternoon I went to Rascafria it is very beautiful castle with a lake.

Then I went eating in the hotel and I went to the airport.