Annual Plan
Emmanuel Oviedo
Created on November 19, 2021
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Annual plan2022
Curso 1º
ActivityResourceIndicatorCreation of social networks, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and a channel of YouTube. Technical: Computers Technological: Internet Human: Person who will create the networks Economic: Amount for internet service, own network Number of subscribers, views in videos and likes in the postDesign some infographics about violence in Colombia, violence to women and men, and confirm the big difference of victims. Technical: Computer Technological: Internet, Website to get the information Human: Person who will design the Infographics Economic: Amount for internet service, own network, money to pay the newspaper to publish the infographic Number of likes in the post and views, new subscriber to the pageCreate a blog, that teaches languages such as English, Portuguese, Spanish, and French. Technical: Computer Technological: Internet, Platform to design the blog Human: Person who will upload the activities, make the quizzes and organize all the information in an interactive and creative way Economic: Amount for monthly internet service, own network. Number of visits to the blog, results in the quizzes the student will make inside the website.
ActivityResourcesIndicatorCreate some surveys to see how people have advanced in the knowledge about the SDGs. Technical: Computer Technological: Internet access, platform to create the survey Human: Person who will create the survey Economic: Amount for monthly internet service, own network. Number of answers, and comparison with results from the first survey.Create a post to get feedback from people about the year activities and the contribution to the SDGs. Technical: Computers. Technological: Internet access, platform to design the posts. Human:Person who will create the pieces. Economic: Amount for monthly internet service, own network. Number of commentaries, direct messages, and likes.Check statistics about national exams, and review the results in rural area and urban areas, to see the difference of knowledge. Technical: Computers Technological: Internet, National websites with the results Human: Person who will review all the results from these national exams Economic: Amount for monthly internet service, own network. Results from one month and another month.
ActivityResourcesIndicatorMonthly, design some posts about the progress done in the SDGs 4,5 and 10. Technical: Computer, iPad Technological: Internet, Website to design the post Human: Person who will create the post Economic: Amount for internet service, own network. Numbers of likes in each post.Twice a month, create a virtual space where some psychologist can provide free sessions to people that suffers from domestic violence. Technical: Computers. Technological: Internet, platform to make the meetings, Human: Psychologist, person who will send the invitations and announce the event Economic: Amount for internet service, own network. Number of people who assist to the sessions.Create some TikTok, with actions that people can do to help the SDGs, “SDGs for dummies” Technical: Smartphones, iPad, Computers Technological: Internet access Human: Person who will record the TikTok. Economic: Amount for monthly internet service, own network. Number of likes and views on each TikTok.
ActivityResourcesIndicatorMonthly, design some posts about the progress done in the SDGs 4,5 and 10. Technical: Computer, iPad Technological: Internet, Website to design the post Human: Person who will create the post. Economic: Amount for internet service, own network. Numbers of likes in each post.Design some virtual brochures with information about scholarships in Colombia and abroad, where people will find important facts about the requirements and opportunities to study. Technical: Computers. Technological: Internet access, website from colleges, to get the information. Human: People who will design the brochures, post them on the website and the social networks. Economic: Amount for monthly internet service, own network. Number of likes in the post, number of views on the website.
ActivityResourcesIndicatorTwice a month, create a virtual space where some psychologist can provide free sessions to people that suffers from domestic violence .Technical: Computers. Technological: Internet, platform to make the meetings, Human: Psychologist, person who will send the invitations and announce the event Economic: Amount for internet service, own network, Number of people who assist to the sessions.Talk with some professionals from different countries or universities, and collect some tips about degrees and how to be successful in studies. Technical: Computer, smartphones, WhatsApp Technological: Internet access Human: People from different universities, person who will make the contact, and create some posts with the information they provide. Economic: Amount for monthly internet service, own network. Number of likes on the postsHost virtual conferences, with a lawyer that can explain all the ways people can sue the violence. Technical: Computers, smartphones, iPads. Technological: Internet access, platform to organize the virtual meeting. Human: Lawyer who will give talk in the meeting, person who will contact the lawyer and create the post about the event. Economic: Amount for monthly internet service, own network. Attendance to the meeting.
ActivityResourceIndicatorMake a survey and send it to all my contacts, to see how much people know about the SDGs. Technical: Computer Technological: Internet, platform to create the survey Human: People who will create the survey Economic: Amount for internet service, own network Number of answers in the survey.Monthly, design some posts about the progress done in the SDGs 4,5 and 10. Technical: Computer, iPad Technological: Internet, Website to design the post Human: Person who will create the post Economic: Amount for internet service, own network Numbers of likes in each postTwice a month, create a virtual space where some psychologist can provide free sessions to people that suffers from domestic violence. Technical: Computers. Technological: Internet, platform to make the meetings. Human: Psychologist, person who will send the invitations and announce the event. Economic: Amount for internet service, own network. Number of people who assist to the sessions.Make some virtual workshops about the SDGs, and show the importance of these objectives to our lives. Technical: Computer, Smartphone. Technological: Platform to make the workshop and virtual meeting. Human: Spokesperson, people who will create the invitation and the communication pieces of the event. Economic: Amount for monthly internet service, own network. Attendance to the workshop, number of likes on the post and views on the stories.
ActivityResourcesIndicatorDesign some infographics about violence in Colombia, violence to women and men, and confirm the big difference in numbers. Technical: Computer Technological: Internet, Website to get the information Human: Person who will design the Infographics. Economic: Amount for internet service, own network, money to pay the newspaper to publish the infographic. Number of likes in the post and views, new subscriber to the page.Make lives on Instagram and YouTube with some guest to talk about feminism. Technical: Computers, Smartphones, iPad Technological: Internet, Human: Person who will make the first contact, create the invitations and posts announcing the event, spokespersons, guests Economic: Money to pay the people that who will come and talk about the topic, Amount for internet service, own network. Number of people connected to the Lives and interactions in the likes and comments.Talk with some professionals from different countries or universities, and collect some tips about degrees and how to be successful in studies. Technical: Computer, smartphones, WhatsApp Technological: Internet access. Human: People from different universities, person who will make the contact, and create some posts with the information they provide. Economic: Amount for monthly internet service, own network. Number of likes on the posts.
ActivityResourcesIndicatorMonthly, design some posts about the progress done in the SDGs 4,5 and 10. Technical: Computer, iPadTechnological: Internet, Website to design the post Human: Person who will create the post Economic: Amount for internet service, own network. Numbers of likes in each post.Talk with some foundations about the SDG #5, and see the actions they have been doing to be part of the solution Limpal Colombia, Casa de la Mujer. Technical: Computers, Smartphones, WhatsApp, emails Technological: Internet Human: People from these foundations, person who will contact them, Economic: Amount for monthly internet service, own network. Figures of violence from last year and this year, to see how the actions they have done, have had impact.Design some virtual brochures with information about scholarships in Colombia and abroad, where people will find important facts about the requirements and opportunities to study. Technical: Computers Technological: Internet access, website from colleges, to get the information. Human: People who will design the brochures, post them on the website and the social networks. Economic: Amount for monthly internet service, own network. Number of likes in the post, number of views on the website.
ActivityResourcesIndicatorMake a survey and send it to all my contacts, to see how much people know about the SDGs. Technical: Computer Technological: Internet, platform to create the survey Human: People who will create the survey Economic: Amount for internet service, own network. Number of answers to the survey.Design some virtual brochures with information about scholarships in Colombia and abroad, where people will find important facts about the requirements and opportunities to study. Technical: Computers Technological: Internet access, website from colleges, to get the information. Human: People who will design the brochures, post them on the website and the social networks. Economic: Amount for monthly internet service, own network. Number of likes in the post, number of views on the website.Visit some rural schools and teach English, make workshops with peers and take them to children in these schools. Technical: Computer, transportation Technological: Internet access, platform to design the workshops Human: People who will create the activities and workshops and go to the schools to apply them. Economic: Amount for monthly internet service, own network, money to cover the transportation. Attendance to the workshops, results from activities.
ActivityResourcesIndicatorMonthly, design some posts about the progress done in the SDGs 4,5 and 10. Technical: Computer, iPad Technological: Internet, Website to design the post Human: Person who will create the post Economic: Amount for internet service, own network. Numbers of likes in each post.Twice a month, create a virtual space where some psychologist can provide free sessions to people that suffers from domestic violence. Technical: Computers. Technological: Internet, platform to make the meetings, Human: Psychologist, person who will send the invitations and announce the event Economic: Amount for internet service, own network, Number of people who assist to the sessions.Check statistics about national exams, and review the results in rural area and urban areas, to see the difference of knowledge. Technical: Computers Technological: Internet, National websites with the results Human: Person who will review all the results from these national exams Economic: Amount for monthly internet service, own network. Results from one month and another month.
ActivityResourceIndicatorDesign some infographics about violence in Colombia, violence to women and men, and confirm the big difference of victims. Technical: Computer. Technological: Internet, Website to get the information Human: Person who will design the Infographics Economic: Amount for internet service, own network, money to pay the newspaper to publish the infographic. Number of likes in the post and views, new subscriber to the page.Make lives on Instagram and YouTube with some guest to talk about feminism Technical: Computers, Smartphones, iPad Technological: Internet, Human: Person who will make the first contact, create the invitations and posts announcing the event, spokespersons, guests Economic: Money to pay the people that who will come and talk about the topic, Amount for internet service, own network, Number of people connected to the Lives and interactions in the likes and comments.Host virtual conferences, with a lawyer that can explain all the ways people can sue the violence. Technical: Computers, smartphones, iPads. Technological: Internet access, platform to organize the virtual meeting. Human: Lawyer who will give talk in the meeting, person who will contact the lawyer and create the post about the event. Economic: Amount for monthly internet service, own network. Attendance to the meeting.
ActivityResourcesIndicatorMonthly, design some posts about the progress done in the SDGs 4,5 and 10. Technical: Computer, iPad Technological: Internet, Website to design the post Human: Person who will create the post Economic: Amount for internet service, own network Numbers of likes in each postMake some virtual workshops about the SDGs, and show the importance of these objectives to our lives. Technical: Computer, Smartphone Technological: Platform to make the workshop and virtual meeting Human: Spokesperson, people who will create the invitation and the communication pieces of the event. Economic: Amount for monthly internet service, own network. Attendance to the workshop, number of likes on the post and views on the story.Create some TikTok, with actions that people can do to help the SDGs, “SDGs for dummies” Technical: Smartphones, iPad, Computers. Technological: Internet access. Human: Person who will record the TikTok. Economic: Amount for monthly internet service, own network. Number of likes and views on each TikTok.