I did what?
Hanna Serrano Arellano
Created on November 18, 2021
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A tale about Plagiarism and Identity Theft
Hanna Serrano - A00573460 Sofía Jaqueline López - A00573543 Alexa Ortiz - A00573382
I did what?
Karla was very frustrated lately because the week of her final essay delivery in history had arrived and she hadn't been able to do anything because she had been thinking about how to buy a new computer without telling her mother, since she had broken the one she already had.
The school wasn't very important to Karla, so it was easy for her to take a classmate's essay and copy it, figuring the teacher wouldn't notice.
The day of her essay submission came and she didn't know what to do, so she asked her friends for help and together they created a plan to solve both problems.
Her mother thought it was normal for the girls to want to go to the mall, so she took them.
After school, her friends accompanied Karla secretly to get her computer.
Since she had her mother's card, she decided to buy an expensive computer that had everything she wanted without her mother noticing.
At the time of the charge she pretended to be her mother, everything went quite well and nothing happened. So the girls left just like that with Karla's new computer.
The Mom was too scared to see the charge and then took action with the bank to have the charge canceled and know where it came from, this was going to take a while as it was going to take at least a day.
What they didn't know was that her mother would receive a message advising the $33,500 charge.
When she saw her mother, they were both very nervous, Karla because she was not going to be caught and her mother because of the charge made in her name.
Karla arrived home as if nothing had happened, obviously hiding her new computer.
The next day she went to school and continued with her normal life
So Karla went to sleep as if it was a normal day, not knowing the news that awaited her.
When suddenly she was told to go to the principal's office. The moment she arrived, the Director began to talk to her about her grades, Karla in her mind was getting the idea that she was going to be congratulated for her excellence and exempted and other things like that.
Many thoughts came to her mind, but this was clarified when she was told that the reason for her failing grade was because she copied the final essay of his classmate Rodrigo.
But she and her mind came back to the earth upon hearing that she had failed history. She was very scared, that had never happened to her before, even though she had never really wanted to go to school.
But by the time she got home she realized that her mom had the new computer and was very angry.
She didn't know what to do but accepted what had happened and walked away in shock. All-day she stayed in shock and really didn't pay attention to anything. The end of her classes arrived and her mom picked her up as usual. All the way to their house they didn't speak which was very strange for her.
After a while, her mom explained to her that nothing she did was right and that she will now have to face the consequences.
Karla didn't know how to react so she just started crying and telling her mom about everything that had happened to her.
And this is the end of the story since Karla has no choice but to go and fulfill her consequences.
Plagiarizing makes us worse and less professionals, it accustoms us to a path that impoverishes us, makes us less capable, creative and innovative. In this case it harmed Karla's qualifications, but it could be worse. And would you like that someone takes advantage of your work? In the case of Identity Theft, the damages caused are not only limited to financial problems (like in this case), but can have a high cost in both the personal and sentimental aspect of the victim. That is why it shouldn't be done and why you need protect your personal information. We hope you have enjoyed and learned about these very sensitive issues that we should now about.
Written by: Alexa Ortiz, Sofía López and Hanna Serrano Images: Decoración de Dibujos Animados. (s. f.). Dibujos Animados Papel Patrón Decorativo [Dibujos]. Pngtree. https://png.pngtree.com/png-clipart/20190903/original/pngtree-cartoon-decorative-floating-paper-element-png-image_4435914.jpg Dibujos Animados. (s. f.). Nuevo Bolso de Mujer Bolso de Señora [Dibujo]. Pngtree. https://png.pngtree.com/png-clipart/20190618/original/pngtree-womens-new-bag-cartoon-lady-bag-new-bag-fashion-handbag-png-image_3903449.jpg Ilustración de ordenador, bicho. (s. f.). Icono Enfermo Del Ordenador Portátil Ilustración del Vector [Ilustration]. Dreamstime. https://icono-enfermo-del-ordenador-portátil-137350603.jpg Ladyann. (s. f.). Icono de calendario vector [Grafico Vectorial]. Depositphotos. https://st.depositphotos.com/1000422/1894/v/600/depositphotos_18947467-stock-illustration-calendar-icon.jpg Nube Del Pensamiento, Icono De La Nube Del Pensamiento. (s. f.). [Vector Simple Ilustración]. Dreamstime. https://nube-del-pensamiento-icono-de-la-vector-simple-127409427.jpg Sales png download. (s. f.). [Image]. CleanPNG. https://banner2.cleanpng.com/20180301/giq/kisspng-wallet-cartoon-coin-purse-brown-wallet-purse-5a97e78fec7ba4.9433923415199046559686.jpg Serrano, H., Pixlr, & Pixton. (2021, 21 noviembre). I did what Characters [Ilustración].Vago de Internet. (s. f.). Qué es un ensayo escrito? [Ilustration]. Obtenido de. https://Que-es-un-ensayo-escrito-1200x700.pngvectomart. (s. f.). School Bag Stock [Vector Image]. Depositphotos. https://static8.depositphotos.com/1052036/908/v/950/depositphotos_9088479-stock-illustration-school-bag.jpgVector Art at Vecteezy. (s. f.). Modern Mall Shopping Center [Vector]. Vecteezy. https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/previews/000/173/073/original/free-modern-mall-shopping-center-vector.jpg i
Information: Consumidor.gov.(2019, 30 septiembre). Evitar el robo de identidad. Recuperado de https://www.consumidor.gov/articulos/s1015-evitar-el-robo-de-identidad#!qu%C3%A9-hacer Kagan, J. Cheng, M. (2021). Identity theft. From https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/identitytheft.asp [Plagiarism.org]. (2017). How do I protect my work from being plagiarized?. From https://www.plagiarism.org/blog/2017/10/27/how-do-i-protect-my-work-from-being-plagiarized [Plagiarism.org]. (2017). What is Plagiarism?. From https://www.plagiarism.org/article/what-is-plagiarism [The Infographics show]. (2019). The Most Horrific Case of Identity Theft [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJ40tAm8cTE i
Hanna Serrano - A00573460Sofía Jaqueline López - A00573543 Alexa Ortiz - A00573382