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PArt 3: body paragraphs
EAL Revision presents
Interactive Essay Writing Structure Guide 
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Interactive review of TEEL structure for Analytical Essay

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PArt 3: body paragraphs

EAL Revision presents

Interactive Essay Writing Structure Guide


The interactive guides are a supplementary study guide for EAL. Each guide will focus on specific skills or subset of skills covered in the EAL lessons. They offer the opportunity to focus your time on elements of the class you want to improve on without having to search through lesson slides or your notes. These guides are not an alternative to the lesson content or negate the need for you take notes - they are sumpplemntaty resource to be used alongside your regular notes and class resources

What is this guide?

It's pretty straight forward. On the following page there is an exemplar of a grade A analytical essay. One of the Body Paragraphs is colour code which is the paragraph being we will discuss. You can click on any part of the coloured text and an information box will appear with an explanation of what part of the body paragraph it is e.g. Topic Sentence, Elaboration etc. as well a brief description about how that part of the BP works. You will also notice that there are 'play' buttons in the margins of the document. These buttons are colour-coded to match the colours in the BP. These are videos of me explaining the each part of the body paragraph in more detail. I will create a guide for each section of an essay. If enough people find it useful and use them, I will expand the guides to include short quizzes /self-tests,

How does it work?

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