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The number is 94 and the name of the school is josé roger balet
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The number is 94 and the name of the school is josé roger balet


9. Groups

7. Time

6. Teachers

5. Students

4. Uniforms

3. Food

2. Building

8. Neighborhood

1. When was the school founded ?


The school was founded in in 1927, but the school had a renovation in 2005.

When was the school founded?

We have 6 bathrooms. We have 8 classrooms. We have a television in each classroom. We have 2 playgrounds. We have a place colled CRA (multipurpose room). We have a big Kitchen.


We eat breakfast, lunch and snack at school every day.


We use a white tunic and a blue bow.


There are more than 200 students in total, and there are 30 students per class.


The spanish teacher of first grade is Andrea. The spanish teacher of second grade is Dafna. The spanish teacher of third grade is Antonella. The spanish teacher of fourth grade is Lucía. The spanish teacher of fifth grade is María Noel. The spanish teacher of sixth grade is Sandra. The principal is Silvia and the secretary is Magdalena.


The students arive at 8:30 am, and leave at 4:00 pm


The Neighborhood is "Barrio sur".


K 4 k 5 1st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th


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