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Healthy lifestyle

1)something in food that people and animals need to live and grow 2)give someone something that they need or want 3)milk and foods that are made from milk, e.g. cheese, butter 4)this food has all the wheat grain (пшеничное зерно), with its outer 5 )part give someone something that they need or want 6)make a part of the body healthy again after an injury or a desease 7)the smallest part of a living body, with a nucleus (ядро) in the 8)middle made extremely cold 9)this food has water removed (убранный) from it 10)a white substance under skin; 11)a substance in meat, eggs, and milk that people need to grow and 12)be healthy a hard heavy metal 13)a colourless gas, that all living beings breathe in (вдыхают)


How to prolong your life




Is smoking a healthy habit?

"Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise" Benjamin Franklin

"To be or not to be isn't the question. The question is how to prolong being." Tom Robbins

"Health is not valued till sickness comes" Dr.Thomas Fuller


The 4th step

The 3rd step

!!!!The importance of HEALTHY LIFESTYLE

The 2nd step

The 1st step