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the Earth our house

Title 1

the earth is were we live .Don,t distroy the world with trash help the earth.

. animals are very butyfull thay come in colors.

. you can not distroy the animal,s thay are butyfull. And how thay look



  • Tree's take Co2 and give out clean air(o2).

  • we should stop cuting tree's

  • tree's can clean water and provid shelter for animals.


Tree's ,the tree's give us clean water .

Tree's, give us flowers and frutis and they are butyfull.

plastic is kind of Co2 . It is a tuyp of Co2 bacuse they burn plastic.

plastic palyushun

plcstic is a hurm for the sea life.

plastic in bin.


car's\buses\moter bikes\they riles Co2 from bihind.

stop using gass stuf like car's \buses\moter bikes.