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It is a vertebrate animal that it has been domesticated since 2500 years ago and that it has been more frequently adopted as a pet. There is a huge amount of races of ferrets that we can identify by their kind of hair color size however there isn’t a preestablished race.

Ferrets are curious and sociable animals that enjoy discovering the world once that they are well domesticated and trained at a young age we can take them for a walk with a belt. They are a very playful and sleepyhead animals.

There is the myth that the ferrets are aggressive but this doesn’t has to be true in all the cases as we said in the second paragraph they are very playful and docile so they can be part of the family. They have a very good relationship with the kids as long as we teach the kids that any pet isn’t a toy and that they cant be chocking him or playing rudely with them they have to be respectful and of course we have to keep in mind that every ferret or pet has their own personality.


STRONG SMELL Ferrets have a very determinate corporal smell due to its sebaceous glands. There is people that extirpate the glands but that causes a lot of problems in their body. We have to be conscious and focused in the cleaning of their environment and cage.


Ferrets are a very nice option if you want to have a new pet it is different but as cute as any other pet. In a way Ferrets are your best option because they are not as big as a dog neither as slippery as a cat they are the perfect balance you need in your home.


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It is a vertebrate animal that it has been domesticated since 2500 years ago and that it has been more frequently adopted as a pet. There is a huge amount of races of ferrets that we can identify by their kind of hair color size however there isn’t a preestablished race. Ferrets are curious and sociable animals that enjoy discovering the world once that they are well domesticated and trained at a young age we can take them for a walk with a belt. They are a very playful and sleepyhead animals. There is the myth that the ferrets are aggressive but this doesn’t has to be true in all the cases as we said in the second paragraph they are very playful and docile so they can be part of the family. They have a very good relationship with the kids as long as we teach the kids that any pet isn’t a toy and that they cant be chocking him or playing rudely with them they have to be respectful and of course we have to keep in mind that every ferret or pet has their own personality. CURIOUS FACTS STRONG SMELL Ferrets have a very determinate corporal smell due to its sebaceous glands. There is people that extirpate the glands but that causes a lot of problems in their body. We have to be conscious and focused in the cleaning of their environment and cage. CONCLUTION Ferrets are a very nice option if you want to have a new pet it is different but as cute as any other pet. In a way Ferrets are your best option because they are not as big as a dog neither as slippery as a cat they are the perfect balance you need in your home.

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