Venn diagram (theories)
Created on November 11, 2021
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Venn diagram (theories)
Similarities between Bandura and Social constructivism
Information processing model
Processes by which the meanings of communication are identified and understood; also those by which the information, meanings and decoding processes are stored, organized and remembered.
Social constructivism
Similarities between Bandura and Information processing model
Similarities between Bandura and Behaviorism
Both theories take into consideration individual and social aspects in the process of learning.
Similarities: Both have in common the environment or context in which they learn. Particular emphasis on cognitive development. Differences: Brain structures themselves and their relationship to maturation and socialization are analyzed. Aspects of our enviroment that are influencing us are considered as external pressures.
Skinner Intrinsic reinforcement as a form of reward motivation Motivation: Reinforcement and punishment also play an important role in motivation but so does observing others experiencing some form of reinforcement or punishment.
1. Without the more knowledgeable other, individuals wouldn’t advance much as their learning process would be based only on their own discoveries. 2. Direct social interaction is necessary to acquire behavior. 3. Zone of Proximal Development.
Clasical conditioning: a stimulus-response pattern from which a subject is able to associate a certain event with another event and thus with a behavior expected of him, by simple association of events in memory.
Skinner: A response is planned depending on what the subject has done can be a punishment or a reinforcement and these are also planned.