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Digital Workplace (ENSMA account required)

The history of ISAE-ENSMA

Using the library

Finding resources

Contact us

Coming to the library


Reader's guide

User account

Only for students & staff (ISAE-ENSMA account required)


Online catalogue

These opening hours change when the students are on holidays (Informations available on the Online Catalogue or on the Digital Workplace (ENSMA account required)

Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays: 8:15 a. m. - 7 p. m. FridayS: 8:15 a. m. - 5 p. m.

Opening hours

Coming tothe library

Bénédicte CAROUGE : Head of the Documentation Resource Center, records, PhD theses Marion ROVISSE : Information & reference desk, classification of the collections


+33 5 49 49 80 24 bibliotheque@ensma.fr or first name.last name@isae-ensma.fr

Information desk

Contact us

Many tips & informations are available on the Online catalogue in the lower part of the screen to help you get started

Specific & methodological resources for PhD students


Scientific books (textbooks & research publications), language books, french & foreign novels, comic books, newspapers, science magazines (cf. latest acquisitions)

Collection of documents


Books can be borrowed either directly at the information desk or by appointment provided that they were previously reserved on-line (user account required) Every book you want to return can be placed on the table at the entrance of the library

On-site working & loans

You can request books or scientific articles even if they are not available in the library Please, pay attention: there is a charge for this service Inquire about this at the information desk or send an email to bibliotheque@ensma.fr

Interlibrary loans


Wireless access, computers (ENSMA account required) & a printer-scanner freely available

Wifi, computers, printer/scanner

Using thelibrary