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Moving house writing
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Moving house writing

My room is quite small. It’s the smallest room in the whole apartment! There are two small windows in my room. The walls are white and there are a lot of pictures on the walls and a map of the world. In the corner of the room there is a bed. Next to the bed there is a wooden desk and a white chair. I sit at my desk when I do my homework. I don’t have any flowers in my room. I also don’t have a TV or a computer in my room.

My room is quite small. It’s the smallest room in the whole apartment! There are two small windows in my room. The walls are white and there are a lot of pictures on the walls and a map of the world. In the corner of the room there is a bed. Next to the bed there is a wooden desk and a white chair. I sit at my desk when I do my homework. I don’t have any flowers in my room. I also don’t have a TV or a computer in my room.

5. Jest piękne. Bardzo mi się podoba

4. Przeprowadziłam się do nowego mieszkania

3. Piszę, żeby przekazać Ci wieści.

2. Mam nadzieję,że dobrze.

1. Co u Ciebie?

10. Jedyną złą rzeczą jest to, że muszę jeździć autobusem

9. Moje mieszkanie jest przestronne

8. Jest tam wygodne łóżko, nowoczesna szafa i duże biurko

7. Nie muszę dzielić sypialni z bratem

6. Jest niedaleko parku

I also have my own bedroom, which is right next to the main bathroom. Thankfully, my parents and I don’t have to share a bathroom. The third bedroom is used as an office.

I am an only child, so only three people live in the apartment. My parents have their own bedroom with an en suite bathroom.

We have a rather large apartment in the city center. It’s on the third floor of a five-storey apartment building. There are three bedrooms, a living room, two bathrooms and a kitchen in our apartment.

Hi! My name is Kate and I’d like to tell you about my apartment. I’m 16 years old, so I still live with my parents.

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