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Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

MIT has a total of 11,520 students. There are 4,530 undergraduate student and 6,990 graduate students.

A famous alumni that went to MIT was Buzz Aldrin. He was the 2nd person to step foot on the moon. He graduated with a doctorates degree in astronautics.

The MIT mascot is Time the Beaver.

Historical Fact: MIT was founded on April 10, 1861, 2 days before the start of the civil war. It was founded by William Barton Rodgers. Random Fact: The first female graduate was Ellen Swallow Richards and she graduated with a degree in chemistry in 1873.

Tuition and fees at MIT cost $20,465 per year. Room and board costs $18,100 per year.

Campus fact: There is a total of 459 official student groups at MIT. There are 68 ethnic and cultural groups and there are 38 theatre, dance, and music groups.