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With the national lockdown coming to an end, a restoration in normality. Clubs and pubs reopening was set to bring A tough time for women as new cases in spiking drinks in nightclubs hit a high. A rise in covid-19 cases and the flu. But, what no one predicted to ensue was those inflicting harm on others. 
A tough time for women as new cases in spiking drinks in nightclubs rise.
Looking for things to do during winter break?
Sponsered by Fishies 
Thursday 21st October
Your weekly univeristy informer
Eve Reekie, 19
On services such as Southern and Great and Western, the prices for students climb are private comapies are greedy for more money? - Page 12
Student travel prices rise.
Brookes Ski trip tickets are on sale now! - page 15. 
A Spike in Spikings?
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With the national lockdown coming to an end, a restoration in normality. Clubs and pubs reopening was set to bring A tough time for women as new cases in spiking drinks in nightclubs hit a high. A rise in covid-19 cases and the flu. But, what no one predicted to ensue was those inflicting harm on others.

A tough time for women as new cases in spiking drinks in nightclubs rise.

Looking for things to do during winter break?

Sponsered by Fishies


Thursday 21st October

Your weekly univeristy informer

Eve Reekie, 19

On services such as Southern and Great and Western, the prices for students climb are private comapies are greedy for more money? - Page 12

Student travel prices rise.

Brookes Ski trip tickets are on sale now! - page 15.

A Spike in Spikings?


“If all clubs have ID scanners like in some UK towns, then they have records of people and would be able to identify people."

“Is there a like group chat for needling girls of something? Like how do these things even get arranged”

Yes, I will be standing with the boycotting. Obviously, I think that the clubs should do more. But, I think there is a better way of boycotting. It’s not really going to have that much impact on real things being done, it only might raise awareness.

I think the university should run sessions for men and females on how to deal with someone who has been spiked or how to approach girls when wanting to buy them a drink or help them without giving the wrong impression.

The government should act upon putting a reform on the black market where people get the drugs from. There should be more laws on bag checking in clubs and girls only clubs should be more of a thing. They should fund girls only nights because after this nightclubs are going to lose their cliental for women. And it’s going to be 70% men in the clubs which will be disgusting.

Over the past two months almost 200 cases have been reported to the police and some cases even involve injections of HIV. I interviewed some students from Oxford Brookes University to hear their thoughts.

200 Cases And Rising

Whilst those are trying to let loose and have fun yet another threat is loaded onto going out. Clearly, we haven’t been through enough these past two years. This new spike in young teenage girls being drugged has been picked up in nightclubs clubs across the UK.

Will you be boycotting the clubs?

What should the Univeristy be doing to help students?

What should the goverment do to stop this issue?

Sophie Wens, 19

Rick Hughs, 21

Saskia Oates, 19

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