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FSCJ library escape game



FSCJ library escape game



Special Agent Debrarian

LibrarianMercy Hushman

Professor Antonio Prohias

Special Agent Debrarian is the director of the FBI's Office of Library Investigations. She has passionately investigated libraries and librarians since her uncle was found murdered beneath an overturned book cart in the Library of Congress.

Professor Antonio Prohias has gone missing. The multi-talented Prohias taught both cryptography and fine art at FSCJ's South Campus. Rumors have circulated for years that Professor Prohias is actually a spy. He was last seen arguing loudly with Miss Hushman outside the library.

Mercy Hushman has been a librarian for over 25 years. In her spare time she enjoys cats, comfortable footwear, and organizing her spice rack alphabetically. Colleagues have noted that in recent years Miss Hushman has become increasingly vocal about students' lack of information literacy skills.



Watch the video, then click the button to continue

Watch the video, then click the button to continue

Watch the video then click the button to proceed

Watch the video then click the button to proceed

Watch the video found on Mercy Hushman's Computer....

Click to proceed to your missions

The Missions







Watch the video found on Mercy Hushman's Computer....

Click to proceed to your missions

On your way to search Professor Prohias' Office, you decided to check out a new display.

The Sift approach

Stop and ask - "Do you know and trust the website or source of the information.? If no continue to the next step.Investigate the source (and claims).Find better coverage.Trace to the original.

Click the arrow to continue

The Sift approach

Stop and ask - "Do you know and trust the website or source of the information?" If no continue to the next step.Investigate the source (and Expertise).Find better coverage.Trace to the original.

Mission 1 Investigate

Click Next to continue

Search Professor Prohias' office

Keep the light off and use your flashlight. You never know who might be watching!

A. Prohias

Click on the door to enter Professor Prohias' office!

Investigate the Source using the Wikipedia trick.Please find the most reliable Source and write down its number.

You can drag the light to search through the darkness

Article 1

Article 2

Article 3

Having trouble moving the flashlight? Move the cursor until the "hand" turns into a plus sign. Then you can drag the flashlight around the screen.

Which article is the most reliable?

Article 1

Article 2

Article 3

Wrong! Try again. Remember, information in many fields changes quickly. Often, the most recent information will be the most accurate.

Write down the number "3"Then click "home" to continue the game.

On your way to search the library, you noticed the display had changed.

Stop and ask - "Do you know and trust the website or source of the information.? If no continue to the next step.Investigate the source Find better coverage.Trace back to the original.

The Sift approach

Click the arrow to continue

Mission 2 Investigate

The Sift approach

Stop and ask - "Do you know and trust the website or source of the information?" If no continue to the next step.Investigate the source (and Expertise).Find better coverage.Trace to the original.

Click the TV to watch the video and learn about the Google trick.

Choose a Book

What Would Dewey Do?

Cart Racing for Fun and Profit

MARC My Words


My Diary: Private!


AACR2: 2nd ed

Library Science

Too Many Cats: A Memoir


Shushing for Beginners

MySpace for Dummies

The Wizard Librarianby Madame Pince

Dear Diary, I feel like I'm going mad. So many of our college students don't understand that they can't use just any website in their papers. The information must be accurate! What's the POINT of using a website that references "scientists" or "experts" instead of a name you can verify? Similarly, some students think they will SHINE if they only use .org sources. Someday, I hope they come 'ROUND to verify the expertise of the source.

Dear Diary, I feel like I'm going mad. So many of our college students don't understand that they can't use just any website in their papers. The information must be accurate! What's the POINT of using a website with false information? Similarly, some students think they will SHINE if they use the most arcane academic information available. Someday, I hope they come 'ROUND to the idea that the best resources are both scholarly and appropriate to the topic.

Check the claim on each link, then drag the correct shape to its corresponding website.

1. The Problem With Claiming We Have "12 Years to Climate Breakdown" __________

3. Global Trends In Nicotine __________

2. Scientists at Sloan Kettering discover mRNA inactivates tumor-suppressing proteins, meaning it can promote cancer __________

(Tip: Search the website organization name)

What's the POINT of using a website that references "scientists" or "experts" instead of a name you can verify? Similarly, some students think they will SHINE if they only use .ORG sources. Someday, I hope they come 'ROUND to verify the expertise of the source.

Which article corresponds with the star shape? Click on the correct article.

The Problem With Claiming We Have "12 Years to Climate Breakdown"

Global Trends In Nicotine (Tip: Search the website organization name)

Scientists at Sloan Kettering discover mRNA inactivates tumor-suppressing proteins, meaning it can promote cancer

What's the POINT of using a website that references "scientists" or "experts" instead of a name you can verify? Similarly, some students think they will SHINE if they only use .ORG sources. Someday, I hope they come 'ROUND to verify the expertise of the source.

Shush!Now try again.

Write down the number "3"

Write down the number "3"

Choose a Work of Art

Al Hirschfeld (1903-2003) was a cartoonist. He was most famous for his caricatures of entertainers and other celebrities.

Jackie Ormes (1911-1985) was the first syndicated black woman cartoonist. She is best known for the Torchy Brown comic strip and the Patty-Jo 'n' Ginger panel.





better coverage

Congratulations, you found the next clue! But don't get too confident. To find a better source, sometimes the smartest thing you can do is google keywords from the claim. You have been warned!

The Sift approach

Stop and ask - "Do you know and trust the website or source of the information?" If no continue to the next step.Investigate the source (and Expertise).Find better coverage.Trace to the original.

Missions 3 Find

Click Next to continue

Which organization provides the most accurate coverage about a tweet between Justin Bieber and Donald Trump?

Click the logo to look at the article. Then do a Google search on the claim to determine which one provides accurate coverage.

Based on your searching, which source provides better coverage?

Oops! Did you remember to Google the organization's claim?Try it again!

The Burrard Street Journal has been labeled as: a Canadian fake news/satire website by Global News.

Good Job!

The CNN Entertainment claim is confirmed by other news sources.

WRITE DOWN THE NUMBER "2" for mission 3

Watch this keyword search to find better coverage: Justin Bieber Tweet

Enter the secret number

· Mission number 01 · Mission number 02 · Mission number 03 · Mission number 04· Mission number 05

Enter the secret number

· Mission number 01 · Mission number 02 · Mission number 03 · Mission number 04 · Mission number 05


Enter the secret number

· Mission number 01 · Mission number 02 · Mission number 03 · Mission number 04 · Mission number 05


Enter the secret number

· Mission number 01 · Mission number 02 · Mission number 03 · Mission number 04 · Mission number 05


Enter the secret number

· Mission number 01 · Mission number 02 · Mission number 03 · Mission number 04 · Mission number 05


Enter the secret number

· Mission number 01 · Mission number 02 · Mission number 03 · Mission number 04 · Mission number 05


Enter the secret number

· Mission number 01 · Mission number 02 · Mission number 03 · Mission number 04 · Mission number 05


Enter the secret number

· Mission number 01 · Mission number 02 · Mission number 03 · Mission number 04 · Mission number 05


Enter the secret number

· Mission number 01 · Mission number 02 · Mission number 03 · Mission number 04 · Mission number 05


Enter the secret number

· Mission number 01 · Mission number 02 · Mission number 03 · Mission number 04 · Mission number 05


Enter the secret number

· Mission number 01 · Mission number 02 · Mission number 03 · Mission number 04 · Mission number 05


Enter the secret number

· Mission number 01 · Mission number 02 · Mission number 03 · Mission number 04 · Mission number 05


Enter the secret number

· Mission number 01 · Mission number 02 · Mission number 03 · Mission number 04 · Mission number 05



Press the button to continue

Hey! What about Professor Prohias?

Surprise! There is no Professor Prohias at FSCJ. The real Antonio Prohias was a political cartoonist in Cuba during the 1950’s. He published many cartoons critical of communism and Fidel Castro. Castro became so incensed by the cartoons that he accused Prohias of being an agent of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. You might even say Prohias was a victim of fake news. He fled to the United States in 1960, where he became the artist behind the Spy vs Spy cartoons featured for decades in Mad Magazine.

You will use the skills shown in a video that help you trace to the original source.

Use your cellphone to access the video.


Trace to the original

Todays assignment :


Trace to the original


Trace to the original

Click the link to the right to access the website.


Trace to the original


Based on the video you just watched, what should you do first?

Use the add Wikipedia trick?

Check for an original source?

Trace to the original


Did the Wikipedia trick work to verify the original article?





Trace to the original

Sometimes it is best to scan an article for a link to the original source!

Now you can verify the original source using the add Wikipedia trick.

Having trouble locating the original source? Look for this sentence in the article:



According to Wikipedia, the orignal source is published in a bibliographic database with scientific academic journals.

This is a reliable source for academic articles.

* Remember this number for Mission 4



Webite Oe NO

* Remember the order and pattern for later.

The SIFT approach review


Back to class


Investigatethe Source & Expertise

Find better coverage.



Trace to the original


Remember the order and pattern for later. 2Center31







On your way back to the classroom, you noticed a locker with a keypad. Something about the keypad pattern looks familiar. You take a closer look.

Is closed

look close at the lock

Is closed

Is closed

is closed

Is closed

_ _ _


It does not work

It is stuck

It is stuck

It is stuck

It is stuck





It does not work


_ _ _


It is stuck

It is stuck

It is stuck

It is stuck

It does not work



_ _ _

* *

It is stuck

It is stuck

Key does not work

It is stuck

It does not work

it is stuck


_ _ _

* * *






The locker quickly opened to reveal...

Write down the number 5. Now take the calculator. You will need it for the final mission.

The locker quickly opened to reveal...

Write down the number 5. Now take the calculator....