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Group Number 2
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Group Number 2

case study


Introduction to Amazon

  • Amazon is known for its disruption of well-established industries through technological innovation and mass scale. It is the world's largest online marketplace, AI assistant provider, live-streaming platform and cloud computing platform as measured by revenue and market capitalization.

Amazon.com began using the SAP software suite in 2008 after the company came to the conclusion it could not meet its long-term goals with the systems it was then using.

What ERP system does Amazon use?

SAP: Systems Applications and Products, is a widely-used enterprise resource planning (ERP) software SAP creates a centralized system for businesses that enables every department to access and share common data to create a better work environment for every employee in the company

Which departments the ERP system was applied in?

receiving/inventory control.




Order Management

Amazon has implemented a number of modules in their business suite implementation

Why they use SAP ERP system?

Overall Improvement of the Business Process

Supply Chain Management

Increased Security

Better Cash Flow

Better Management of Inventory Costs

Improved Customer Service

The main advantages of using an ERP system The main advantages of using an ERP system

Why ERP so important for sellers at Amazon?

ERP systems aren’t just to drive sales.When we are talking about Amazon ERP system, we aren’t just talking about getting higher search result positioning, or high-quality product photography, rather the Amazon ERP system comes with various beneficial and high-utility purposes including:1. Stop Losing Sales 2. Know If You Are Actually Making Money 3. Execute Your Plans


  • AuthorFolio3 Microsoft Dynamics Partner Top Microsoft Dynamics partner with 300+ Projects completed worldwide since 2001. Delivering a single point solution tailored to your business needs.FacebookTwitter, Partner, A. F. M. D., & Top Microsoft Dynamics partner with 300+ Projects completed worldwide since 2001. Delivering a single point solution tailored to your business needs. (2021, August 4). Amazon ERP system - what ERP system does Amazon go use? Folio3 Dynamics Blog. Retrieved November 7, 2021, from https://dynamics.folio3.com/blog/amazon-erp-system/.
  • Mallinger, A. (2021, August 22). Amazon ERP system: A crash course. Do Amazon Sellers Need ERP Software? Retrieved November 6, 2021, from https://pirscapital.com/blog/amazon-erp-system-a-crash-course/.
  • Wikimedia Foundation. (2021, October 31). Amazon (company). Wikipedia. Retrieved November 7, 2021, from https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_(company).
  • Which ERP system does Amazon use? Compare ERP Systems: ERP Reviews, Pricing, Reports and Demos. (n.d.). Retrieved November 7, 2021, from https://www.erpresearch.com/knowledge/which-erp-system-does-amazon-use.



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