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Interprets laws


Carries out laws


Makes laws


The 3 Branches of Government

How the 3 branches interact

Policyamaking INFOGRAPHIC

While many actions by Congress involve both chambers, there are some important congressional actions where only the Senate is involved. This includes ratifying treaties and approving presidential appointments in the executive and judicial branches. There are some congressional actions where the House has a bigger voice than the Senate. For example, the Constitution provides all bills designed to raise revenue origiante in the House.

Legislative Branch

The Executive Branch is a collection pf agencies, bureaus, commissions and departments, created by dozens of Congresses over two hundred years. It is impossible for one person, the President, to manage. The Executive Branch establishment of the national government consists of three distinct parts: the Executive Office of the President, the Exective Departments and the Independent Regulatory Agencies.

Includes the pwer to require in writing the opinion of "principal Officer in each of the executive Departments," which is the only reference to a presidential Cabinet in the Constitution.

Roles of the President

Has the power to make treaties with other nations, with approval by two-thirds vote of the US Senate.


Chief Diplomat

President is that of Commander in Chief of the armed forces of the US and of the militia of the several states when called into seice for the US


Cheif Executive


Chief of State

The President grants reprieves or pardons for offenses commiteed against the US, but they cannot pardon an individual who has beeen impeached.


Commander in Chief

Article II, Section 3 provides that the President must give Congress information on the State of the Union and recommend to Congress measures considered necessary.


Chief Legislator

Executive Branch

  1. Parties make arguments
  2. Justices write opinions
  3. The Court issues its decision

Judicial Branch

  1. Dissatisfied parties petition the Court for review
  2. Justices study documents
  3. Justices vote

Most cases reach the Court on appeal. An appeal is a request for a higher court to reverse the decision of a lower court. Most appeals come from federal courts. They can come from state courts if a case deals with federal law. Rarely, the Court hears a new case, such as one between states.

District Courts

Court of Appeals

Supreme Court

Override Veto, Impeach, Approve treaties

Veto Bills, Recommend Legislation

Declares laws unconstitutional

Approve Judges

Declares President's actions unconstitutional

Appoints judges




How do the branches interact?