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Do you know how people lived in the 20th century? If you want to look into your traditions and learn about your origins, don't miss this edition!

life in the 20th century

ıntervıews from teams of...

an etwınnıng project actıvıy

20th October 2021


"Throw back to the 20TH Century" post


Menşure's team

Our student,Zeynep interviewed with her grandmother. Thanks to her, we had a change to learn lots of things about those years.


& How was the human relations?Were the friendships more valuable? Were the people more respectful to each other ?



1& What was the trend clothes?

& How was your homes decorated? 10. How did you heat your house in winter? How was the weather in winter? Did it snow heavily? What kind of changes do you observe in climate?

& What was your favourite dance? On what song did you dance?


& Can you tell us about the children's games that were played in those years but have disappeared today? What do you miss from the past that is not in the present?


& What did you do as a teenager in your free time? Did you hang out with friends? If so, where did you go? And what kind of activities did you do?


& What was your favourite song? How would you listen to your favourite songs and where would you watch your favourite movies?



  • Do you observe a shift between the climate in your teenage years and the current climate?
  • What was your dream job?
  • Can you talk about a children's game that was played in the past and is not played now?
  • How would your houses be decorated and how would you heat the house in winter?
  • What were the trending clothes? How would you dress?
  • What was the state of technology in Turkey in your youth, namely in the 1980s? How much of the technology could you use?
  • Who was your favorite singer? Who would you listen to?
  • What would you do in your spare time? What were your hobbies?
  • What were human relations like when you were younger? Were friendships more valuable? Were people more respectful to each other?
  • First of all, what are the things you miss about the past? We would like to know these.

eTwinning Project

"Throw Back to the 20th Century"


  • First of all, hello. As our school principal, we thank you for taking the time to give us the opportunity to benefit from your experience. Our project deals with various changes between the 20th century and the 21st century. We have some questions about that period. We will ask you what we are curious about. Thanks for the answers in advance.

"In the past, words were important in songs. The emphasis was on the lyrics of the song rather than the melody."

life in the 20th century

22nd October 2021


By Ana's team

They danced twist, pasodoble and tango



Spanish grandparents talk about their lives

Heating houses was really hard. In the villages they had "la gloria", which consisted of some tubes under the floor, which heated one or two bedroms. In most of the houses there were a gas stove and a table brazier

Relationships were closer and more respectful. In the neighbourhood everybody knew each other, and they were as family. Frienship was more real and sincere than what it is today. Our grandparents really miss the way people got on and the way they treated each other.

Women couldn't wear trosuers. They wore mini skirts, short dresses and muffs. In the 1940s fashiom was about creating an hourglass silohoutte. Men uesd to wear a suit, and evryone wore a hat when they were in public


Games were really different from now, especially because they plaed in the street, not at home. The same game could have many different names depending on the area. They used to play with dolls, a jump rope, marble balls and jucks


In their free time, ladies went for a walk, or to the cinema. Most of the time they helped at home, and if they were allowed they went for a walk.Men used to run errands, and after that they went dancing to meet girls. Or they had picnics


They listen to music on the radio or in a portable gramophone. Their favourite singers wwere Juanita Reina, Lola FLores,Rafael, and DuoDInamico among others.


About CINEMAand TV




About Cars

About Fashion

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Christelle Teacher 's Team

THROW BACK TO 20th CENTURY in france

We interviewed our relatives about music, dance, fashion, cars in their youth years.

French students from Lycée Descartes, Montigny le Bretonneux

Do you know how people lived in the 20th century in France?if you want to look into your traditions and learn about your origins, don't miss this edition.

life in the 20th century

OUR interviews

20th October 2021


About CINEMAand TV




About Cars

About Fashion

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Christelle Teacher 's Team

THROW BACK TO 20th CENTURY in france

We interviewed our relatives about music, dance, fashion, cars in their youth years.

French students from Lycée Descartes, Montigny le Bretonneux

Do you know how people lived in the 20th century in France?if you want to look into your traditions and learn about your origins, don't miss this edition.

life in the 20th century

OUR interviews

20th October 2021


ıNTERVıEWıNG WıTH people about 20th century

"Throw Back to the 20th Century"


6. What was the most beautiful holiday you spent abroad? What was the memory you always remember with pleasure?

3. Can you tell us about the children's games that were played in those years but have disappeared today?

5. What was your favorite dance? On what song did you dance?

4. What do you miss from the past that is not in the present?

2. What did you do as a teenager in your free time? Did you hang out with friends? If so, where did you go? And what kind of activities did you do?

1. What was your favourite song? How would you listen to your favourite songs and where would you watch your favourite movies?

" I asked my family about their teenage years and the answears were kinda similar but, at the same time, everyone has their own signature"

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life in the 20 century

20th October 2021


10.How was the technology use in the past?

9.What did you in your free time when you were a teenager?

8.what was your dream job?

7.Do you have a favourite song? How did you listen to your music? Who was your favourite singer?

6.How were the children's game? Did you play a lot with your child friends?

5.how was the weather like in winters when you were a child?

4.what were the schools, the teachers, the students like in your high school time?

3.How was the human relationship? Was the friendship more valuable than today?

2.What do you miss about the past?

1.If you have chance to go to past, would you go? why or why not?

21st october,2021


life in 20 th century

Meral Teacher 's Team

Pursaklar Aihl had an interview with their teacher

Elisabetta interviews her 67 year old granny on food

A: What were your habits?Grandad: Since I was the oldest of the siblings, I had quite different habits. I always woke up early. I had breakfast quickly, which was fruit, and then I would meet up with my friends to go to school. After school, if I didn’t have homework, my friends and I would go for a bike rideor for a walk.


Angela and Cinzia's team

Luigi interviews his 86 year old grandmother on school life

L: How was school like back in your times?Grandma: Back then, school was very different from today. Rules were stricter and you had to respect teachers a lot. I used to go to a private religious elementary school, so I also had a strong catholic influence. After that, I went to a middle and then high school, where I got my degree. After high school, I went to work.

E: Granny, how was food back in the day? Granny: it was very different from how it is today. It was healthy and organic, with little invasive cooking. Dishes were “lighter”. Bread was home-made with traditional dough with natural yeast reproduced from a previous piece of dough that was left to rest.E: And what was your favorite dish? Granny: Pasta and broccoli, or pasta and chickpeas, beans... I ate everything as a child.E: Oh no, I don't like these things at all! Lol!

Anna and her nonno on past habits

Angela and Cinzia's team


I: How did you celebrate your birthdays? What about Christmas or Easter?Grandma: We forgot our birthdays so we didn't celebrate them. In my family we onlycelebrated the Epiphany. My mum used to give me a little sock with a few chocolates in it. She once gave me a wooden toy. Lots of families were poor...

ilenia asks her 70 year old granny what celebrations were like

Granny: It was all about looks, it was all a “game of looks.In the past, love was much more difficult, intense and slow. Just think of thosecouples who were bound by space because means of transport were not developed yet or the way lovers communicated through letters, such as my parents. The substantial difference is that courtship in the past took place through love letters or invitations to parties while today just use social networks.

alessia and alice interview their grandma on love life

G: Were there any differences between men and women?Granny: Yes, many differences! Women could not go to school. There was no possibility, we were poor so men were given priority. Apart from school, men were privileged. Men found everything ready when they got homefrom work: clothes, shoes, meals... and they were served immediately!

Giada asks her 68 year old grandma what role women had

yusuf şmafl

Interwiev with my grandparents


"We couldn’t watch movies in our houses for a long time because there wasn’t a tv in our house."


1.) What was your favorite song? - My favorite song was a traditional song named ‘’yürü konyalım yürü’’. How would you listen to your favorite songs? -We used to listen it on the radio Where would you watch your favorite movies? -We couldn’t watch movies in our houses for a long time because there wasn’t a tv in our house. We watched movies when someone project a movie on a wall. 2.) What did you do as a teenager in your freetime? -Actually I didn’t have a lot freetime because my mother passed away when I was a kid and I had to do all the work myself. but when I had freetime I met with my friends, I knitted clothes and I did things like that. Did you hang out with friends?If so, where did you go? And what kind of activities did you do? -Yes, we did. we used to walk to the hills with my friends to have a picnic. 3.) Can you tell us about your children’s games that you played in those years but have disappeared today?-There was a game called ‘çelik çomak’. It was a game played with sticks What do you miss from the past that is not in the present? -We used to visit and have lunch at the oldest person’s house in our street on eids. But we can’t do it now. 4.) What was your favorite dance? On what song did you dance? -My favorite dance was one of our traditional dance. It called ‘kaşık oyunu’ you need 4 special spoons for this dance. We dance witj an energetic music. 5.) how was your homes decorated? -It was very nice we had a guest room. There were pillows on the ground and there were embroidered fabrics on these pillows in guest room. How did you heat your house in winter? -We heated our house with a stove.

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Nurcan teacher

e-twinning project

throw back to 20th century

şmafl time

Our students made ıntervıews with theır elder relatıves and desıgned newspaper pages.

Throw Back to the 20th CenturyeTwinning Project