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CEIP Trepalio trobajo del camino ( León) Spain

CEIP TREPALIO is located in North- West of Spain. It is about 350 kilometers from its capital city Madrid.

CEIP Trepalio is a state school situated in Trobajo del Camino, a village in the outskirts of León.It is famous for being one of the cities of the " Camino de Santiago" so many pilgrims going to Santiago cross our village everyday.The school has around 400 pupils and 40 teachers. It is an Infant ( from 2 to 6 year old) and a Primary school ( from 6 to 12 years) Our school carries out a bilingual project in which Natural Science and Arts and Crafts are taught through English.CEIP Trepalio is a very active and motivated school so we are always organising diferent activities.

http://ceiptrepalio.centros.educa.jcyl.es/sitio/index.cgiCEIP TREPALIO

There are two buildings. One for preprimary and another one for the 2 year old, 5 year old and primary children

Here you can see the 2 year old classroom, and the ICT room.

Here you can see the gym and the library.

We celebrated the 50th Anniversary in 2022. We had a big party and we enjoyed it a lot

Charity Race

We are a very active school. Here you can see...


Peace Day


This is our Erasmus corner, we made presentations about your country, Portugal

Thank you for listening!