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Choice Overload

Uday Shashidhar 20SJCCC469

4. Common Occurences

3. How to avoid it

2. Importance

1. What it is


What it is!

6. Gallery

-A cognitive impairment in which people have a difficult time making a decision when faced with many options-First introduced in the year 1970 by Alvin Toffler-Choice overload is a widespread phenomenon


-Importance in the eyes of the seller-Only way to offer us multiple choices-Helps in creating a sense of competition amongst brands-Creates a strong sense of decision making-Leads to a strong sense of satisfaction

How to avoid it

Maintain a calm mind

Maintain a journal

Chooses smarter stores

Compare your choice with a third person perspective

Give yourself time to browse

Common Occurences

Supermarket Mishap

Highly Differenciate Products



