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Damak -8 , Jhapa
ISA Dossier - Section 1
Jhapa Model English School
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Damak -8 , Jhapa

ISA Dossier - Section 1

Jhapa Model English School

We are very thankful to British Council for providing us this opportunity to run ISA Project in our school. Conducting this project has increased awareness about sustainable development goals and its importance among our students and teachers. We are also thankful to British Council for arranging various trainings and seminar to our faculty members which helped them to upgrade their proficiency level. Secondly, I would like to thank our Principal Mr. Sagar Shrestha, for supporting and arranging required resources to conduct different activities under ISA Projects. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all my colleagues, students and parents for their support in conducting and completing all the projects within the given time frame. Lastly, I would like to thank all our local and international collaborating partners and their students for their support and cooperation. I would also like to thank Damak Municipality Team for providing resource personnel, experts and arranging different interactive sessions with our students while conducting projects. Thanking You, Jasmine Karanjt Shrestha ISA Coordinator


Name of School: Jhapa Model English Secondary School Type: Secondary Total No of Students: 700 Head Teacher/Principal: Sagar Shrestha ISA Coordinator: Jasmine Karanjit Shrestha Postal address of School: Damak Municipality – 8, Jhapa Telephone (School): 023-580830 Telephone (ISA Coordinator): 9841662213 Email: jasmine.karanjit@gmail.com Affiliation to School Board: SEE Board of Nepal

School Detail

समयावधीको हिसावले मेरो जीवनको लगभग चालिसौँ वसन्तहरू शिक्षण पेशामा व्यतित गरेँ। शैक्षणिक जीवनको यो लामो अन्तरालमा देशमा थुप्रै शैक्षिक नीतिहरू परिवर्तन भएको पाएँ, तर विश्वको परिवर्तित परिवेशसंग हाम्रो शिक्षानीति, सरकारले निर्दिष्ट गरेको पाठ्यक्रम, अध्यापन विधी समय सापेक्ष हुन् नसकेको हो कि भन्ने लाग्छ मलाई। आफैले आफैलाई प्रश्न गर्न वाध्य वनाएको छ ।कारण अहिले हाम्रो शिक्षा नीती,हामीले अवलम्वन गरेको शिक्षण विधी र प्रकृया हाम्रा वालवालिकाहरूको शैक्षिक यात्रामा एक कदम अगाडि र दुई कदम पछाडिको अवस्थामा देख्छु म ।

Mr. Jaya Bahadur ShresthaFounder Director, JMES

यो राष्ट्रको दीगो विकासको हितमा त छैन नै हाम्रा शैक्षिक उत्पादन शिक्षित वेरोजगारको रूपमा रूपान्तरित भई रहेको टुलुटुलु हेर्नुको विकल्प देखिरहेको छैन मैले। शिक्षा क्षेत्रमा देखिएका यिनै कमी कमजोरीहरूलाई कसरी न्यूनिकरण गर्न सकिन्छ यस्का वैकल्पिक उपायहरू के हुन् सक्छन् ,हाम्रा नानीवावुहरूलाई समयसापेक्ष शिक्षा कसरि उपलब्ध गराउन सकिन्छ ? भन्ने विषयमा हामी चिन्तित थियौँ यही परिवेशमा हाम्रो सम्पर्क वृटिश काउन्सिल अन्तर्गत सन्चालन भएको International School Award ( ISA ) कार्यक्रमसंग जोडिने अवसर प्राप्त भयो । यस कार्यक्रम अन्तर्गत रहेका ६ वटा महत्व पूर्ण सीपहरू (Core skills (1) Critical. Thinking and Problem Solving (2) Creativity and imaginations (3)Citizenship(4)Communication and Collaboration (5)Digital Literary (6)Leadership and Personal Development))हरूको अध्ययन गर्ने मौक़ा प्राप्त भयो। जुन सीपहरू विद्यार्थीहरूकोलागि अपरिहार्य ठानी हामीले आफ्नो विद्यालयमा सन् २०१६ देखि यो परियोजनाकार्य मिहिनेतका साथ शुरू गर्यौँ विद्यार्थीहरूलाई सकृयताकासाथ सहभागी गरायौँ हाम्रो मिहिनेतको उच्च मूल्यांकन गर्दै शुरू वर्षमै हामी वृटिश काउन्सिलको सकारात्मक ऑखामा पर्न सफल मात्र भएनौँ वरू हाम्रा नानीवावुहरूले यस परियोजना कार्यवाट पर्याप्त जीवनोपयोगी ज्ञान र सीपहरू सिक्न सफल भएको अनुभूति गर्यौँ। आज पनि हामी आई. एस. ए . यात्रामा अनवरत लागिरहेका छौँ, र आगामी दिनमा पनि यसको उपादेयतालाई मनन गरि लागिरहने हाम्रो प्रतिवद्दता छ ।मेरो अध्ययनमा वृटिस काउन्सिले सधैँ नै विद्यार्थीहरूमा गुणस्तरीय, जीवनोपयोगी र दीगोविकास संग सम्वन्धित शिक्षा प्रदान गर्न हरेक नयॉ आयामहरू प्रतिस्थापन गरिरहेको हुन्छ । उदाहरणको लागि वर्तमानमा वृटिस काउन्सिलले विगतमा प्रयोगमा ल्याएका ६ वटा Core Skill का अतिरिक्त दीगो विकास लक्ष (Sustainable Development Goals)(SDGs)अन्तर्गत विश्वललाई साझा घर संझिएर विश्व साझा दीगो विकासका लागि विभिन्न १७ वटा लक्षहरूको वारेमा विद्यार्थीले माध्यमिक तह देखि नै चिर परिचित हुनु पर्दछ भन्ने अभिप्रायका साथ आज विद्यलय स्तरमा सकृयताकासाथ कार्वन्यन पक्षमा उतार्न सफल भएको छ ।त्यसैले पनि पनि वर्तमान शैक्षिक परिवेशमा आई. एस. ए. प्रोजेक्ट विद्यार्थीको लागि कोशेढुंगा सावित भएको मैले महशुस गरेको छु। अन्त्यमा म वृटिस काउन्सिल नेपाल र नेपाल स्थित यस संस्थामा रहेर काम गर्नु हुने सवै व्यक्तित्वहरू , जसले हामीलाई यो अवसर प्रदान गर्नु भएको छ अन्तर्मनवाट सहयोग गर्नु भएको छ सम्पूर्णलाई मेरो व्यक्तिगत एवम् संस्था झापा मोडल अँग्रेजी स्कूलको तर्फवाट हार्दिक आभार प्रकट गर्न चाहान्छु । त्यसरि नै हामीलाई तालिम प्रदान गरिदिनु हुने प्रशिक्षकहरू , स्कूल एम्वेसडोर , स्रोत व्यक्ति, हाम्रो नर्दर्न एयरलैण्ड स्थित professional partner School जसले कोभिड २०१९को चरम संक्रमणको समयमा पनि हाम्रो विद्यालयमा आउनु भई हामी र हाम्रा विद्यार्थीलाई पर्याप्त ज्ञान र सीप वॉडिदिनु भएको छ, गूगल क्लास संचालन गर्न पर्याप्त विचार र सीप शेयर गरिदिनु भएको छ वहॉहरू प्रति हार्दिक कृतज्ञता जाहेर गर्दछु र वहॉहरूको मुक्तकंठले प्रशंसा पनि गर्दछु । जयबहादुर श्रेष्ठ संस्थापक निर्देशक झापा मोडल अंग्रेज़ी मा वि दमक ०८ झापा।

Message from the Founder Director

Mr. Sagar ShresthaPrincipal, JMES

Collaborating with British Council to run ISA projects in our school is one of the most enriching experiences to our students. It gives an insight about the Core skills of 21st century, Sustainable Development Goals and also gives them an opportunity to think out of the box by exploring ideas and approaches from international partners. I firmly believe involving in such kind of projects will equip our students with soft skills they require to tackle the challenges of 21st century. I hope this exposure will promote creativity and innovation within our students and will develop a culture of collaboration within and across the borders to promote sustainable development goals. We are delighted to run ISA Projects in our school. It has added a new dimension in our teaching and learning activities in our school. I would like to take this opportunity to thank British Council and School Ambassador, Damak Municipality for their continuous support and guidance to run this project. I am also thankful to our International partners, faculty members, students and guardians for their consistent effort to the projects. Thanking You, Sagar Shrestha Principal

Message from the Principal

Letter from Local Education Unit

Name of Partner School : St Mary's Primary SchoolPartner School's Country: Northern IrelandProject Involved: Project No. 1

Name of Partner School : OPF Public SchoolPartner School's Country: PakistanProject Involved: Project No. 1

Letter from Partner School

Name of Partner School : Assumption Grammar SchoolPartner School's Country: Northern IrelandProject Involved: Project No. 2

Letter from Partner School

Name of Partner School : Secondary School No. 117Partner School's Country: RomaniaProject Involved: Project No. 3

Letter from Partner School

Name of Partner School :Schoolchaun Secondary SchoolPartner School's Country: RomaniaProject Involved: Project No. 5

Letter from Partner School

Name of Partner School : Government Girls High SchoolPartner School's Country: PakistanProject Involved: Project No. 8

Letter from Partner School

ACTION PLANS - Project 1

ACTION PLANS - Project 1

ACTION PLANS - Project 1

ACTION PLANS - Project 2

ACTION PLANS - Project 2

ACTION PLANS - Project 2

ACTION PLANS - Project 3

ACTION PLANS - Project 3

ACTION PLANS - Project 3

ACTION PLANS - Project 3

ACTION PLANS - Project 4

ACTION PLANS - Project 4

ACTION PLANS - Project 4

ACTION PLANS - Project 4

ACTION PLANS - Project 5

ACTION PLANS - Project 5

ACTION PLANS - Project 5

ACTION PLANS - Project 6

ACTION PLANS - Project 6

ACTION PLANS - Project 6

ACTION PLANS - Project 6

ACTION PLANS - Project 7

ACTION PLANS - Project 7

ACTION PLANS - Project 7

ACTION PLANS - Project 8

ACTION PLANS - Project 8

ACTION PLANS - Project 8

ACTION PLANS - Project 8

International Policy

ISA Coordinator's Job Description

Evidence of Professional Development

Evidence of Professional Development

Evidence of Professional Development

Evidence of Professional Development

Evidence of Professional Development

Audit of International Work

Audit of International Work

Local Curriculum

Local Curriculum

Local Curriculum

Impact Evaluation Form

Impact Evaluation Form

Impact Evaluation Form

Impact Evaluation Form

Impact Evaluation Form

Damak -8 , Jhapa

ISA Dossier - Section 2

Jhapa Model English School

Activity Summary Sheet

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