project unit 3
- Dinh Thi Yen Nhi
- Nguyen Phuong Thao
- Han Phuong Linh
     - Lam Nhu Nguyet
the green movement

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project unit 3

- Dinh Thi Yen Nhi

- Nguyen Phuong Thao

- Han Phuong Linh

- Lam Nhu Nguyet


the green movement

Environmental pollution directly affects the health of every living organism in it. At present, environmental pollution has become alarming, leading to the appearance of dangerous diseases. Therefore, environmental protection is a practical matter that all of us need to act on.

Let's watching this video

The state of our environment :

Here are 5 the green movements we offer that we hope will be useful to you in protecting the environment :

1. Plant a lot of trees

Trees are the main source of oxygen for the atmosphere and main source of absorption of carbon dioxide, reducing soil erosion and balancing ecosystems. Therefore, each of us should plant more trees around our homes, schools, and streets to enjoy the fresh air created by trees. At the same time, propagandize people shouldn’t indiscriminately cutting down forests.

Do you know that pesticides and chemicals used in daily hygiene are killing us?They are one of the causes of diseases like Parkinson's, cancer, and brain-related diseases.

There are many reasons to use natural products in your home. From reducing environmental impacts to decreasing potential health hazards – natural materials present an array of positive benefits. Currently, microbiological fertilizers, natural cosmetics, oriental medicine ... are being used by many people because of their safety and origin.

2. Use natural materials

Use renewable energy sources whenever possible such as wind energy, solar energy, wave energy, etc. These are renewable energies because their production and consumption do not generate greenhouse gas emissions like thermal power, and do not affect the ecological environment like hydroelectricity and atomic energy.

3. Use clean energy

4.Say no to plastic bags

Supermarkets, markets, shops often use disposable bags for convenience. You probably know that although they are very convenient, plastic bags are not biodegradable so they can last in the environment for hundreds of years. Moreover, it takes about 100 million plastic bags to produce. 12 million barrels of kerosene (1 barrel is equivalent to 158.9873 liters) - a resource that is being depleted in the world. So why don't we use cloth bags, paper bags or other eco-friendly bags… to pack our products instead of using this type of bag.

Reduce use – reuse – use recycled products, let's face the reality that we consume more than nature can give us and everything is running out, including water.So, first of all, reduce your consumption needs, use recycled products instead of throwing them away!

5. The 3R Principle (reduce, reuse, and recycle)


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