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Cherish your past!

eTwinning project

Romania-Republic of Moldova-Turkey

The past is part of our history and heritage. No matter where you are or what you do, the past is always with you and represents you. Our project will give opportunity for students to understand through simple activities the importance of historical past and cultural heritage. The students will learn historical facts and national traditions of different countries. They will use English in a creative and different way;improve ICT skills by learning and using Web 2.0 tools.


  • To learn and share historical facts and traditions, knowledge about cultural heritage through a variety of activities that strengthen students’ speaking, reading, listening and writing skills.
  • To improve ICT skills by learning and using web 2.0 tools
  • To use English in a creative and different way.
  • To improve cultural awareness
  • To improve teamwork, collaboration and communication
  • To improve students language skills and self confidence.


This project will go on for 7 months from November 2021 to May 2022. First, the partner schools will get to know each other by introducing themselves, their schools, cities and countries. We will create the project logo and slogan. We will have a different theme for each month. October: Introducing Ourselves, cities, schools, creating and choosing project's Logo and Slogan. November: National folk costumes December: Surprising New Year traditions January: Grandparents' stories February: A famous love story March: Traditional objects April: My hero May: Art and crafts


This project is to enable students to cherish their past, to use English and learn about their history, about customs and traditions of their own country and others .We will do collaborative products. We will create common products. We will make mixed countries teams in order to improve communication.



  • Knowing each other(teachers and students introduction; schools and cities presentation)
  • Creating and choosing the logo
  • Creating and choosing the slogan
  • Project's initial evaluation


  • Creating a common e-book about National folk costumes
  • Creating a game about the e-book

  • Creating a common video about Surprising New Year traditions
  • Questionnaire about these traditions
  • Students meeting



  • A common blog with interviews with our grandparents telling a story
  • ,,Thoughts for our grandparents''-writing on forum


  • A virtual library with famous love stories
  • Students'meeting

  • Traditional objects'presentation -video
  • Puzzles with traditional objects



  • Infographic with my hero


  • Virtual exhibition with traditional art and crafts
  • Final meeting
  • Final evaluation of the project
