September 11th Attacks
Marco Falla
Created on October 13, 2021
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When the entire world changed
SEptember 11th Attacks
9/11 Anniversary and Memorial
9/11 Victim Compensation Fund
Economic Impact of 9/11
Department of Homeland Security Is Created
USA Responds to the Attacks
How Many People Died in the 9/11 AttacKs
Flight 93
Twin Towers Collapse
Pentagon Attack
Osama bin Laden
World Trade Center
Main aspects to understand this episode in world history
- 1939. New York World's Fair was dedicated to the concepto of “world peace through trade.”
- 1973. The twin towers of downtown Manhattan’s World Trade Center located in New York city.
- Built in 1973 covering 10 million square feet of space.
- Hub of the bustling Financial District, a top tourist attraction and a symbol of progress.
- It used to accomodate 50.000 workers and 200.000 visitrs daily.
- Destroyed by a terrorist attack on 9/11.
World Trade Center
- Islamic Al Qaeda Leader considered a terrorist group.
- Condemned USA for:
- Financially supported by arabian countries.
- Came up with a plan to attack the core of American pride.
- Infiltrated terrorists to tue USA to live a low profile while preparing to their mission.
Osama Bin Laden
- Terrorists crashed one plane against the north tower.
- Minutes later, another plane was crashed against the south tower.
- Structural damage and fires made many people die and some others jump our of windows to the street floor.
- Eventually, both towers collapsed.
- Many buildings surrounding were affected and some collapsed, too.
Twin Towers Collapse
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- American Airlines Flight 77 circled over downtown Washington, D.C.
- Crashed into Pentagon building.
- Fuel spread creating enormous fires.
- Some parts collapsed.
- 125 people (workers and visitors) died.
- 64 people on the plane died.
Pentagon Attack
- American Airlines Flight 93 had had a delay at New Jersey airport.
- All passengers knew about the attacks to tht twin towers.
- The flight was highjacked in the middle of the trip.
- A passenger and a flight attendant warned their relatives about it.
- A groups of passengers planned an insurrection.
- Terrorists were fought by passengers and the crew.
- The plane crashed without hitting another target.
Flight 93
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Citizens of 78 countries died in New York, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania.
- 2,763 died at the World Trade Center, among them:
- 189 people died at the Pentagon, among them:
- 19 terrorista from the highjacked planes.
How many people died in the attacks?
- President George W. Bush was warned about the attacks when attending an elementary school.
- He was suttled flying around the country for security reasons.
- Only at night addressed to American nation to declare.
- Operation Enduring Freedom began on October 7th, and lasted two months.
- Osama bin Laden remained at large until killed on May 2nd, 2011.
- In june 2011, American troops started to withdrawal from Afganistan, until August, 2021.
U.S. Responds to the Attacks
- Created in 2002 due to the WTC and some mails delivered with Antrax (where 17 killed).
- Responsible for preventing terror attacks, border security, immigrations and customs and disaster relief and prevention.
- National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States was created.
- Conspiratos wer captured and sent to Guantanamo for torturing.
- The USA Patriot Act.
Department of Homeland Security Is Created
- Immediate negative effect on the U.S. economy.
- New York Stock Exchange market fell 7.1%
- 143.000 jobs lost in a month.
- $2.8 billion wages lost in the first three months.
- Air transportation most affected with 60% of jobs lost.
- $60 billion lost in the WTC buildings.
- $750 million to clean debries.
Economic Impact of 9/11
- 10.000 people were diagnosed with 9/11-related cancer.
- 2001 to 2004, over $7 billion in compensation given to families of 9/11 victims and the 2,680 people injured.
- 2011, President Barack Obama signed The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act into law.
- Funding renewed in 2015 with $7.5 billion.
- 2019, President Donald Trump authorized support for the Victim Compensation Fund through 2092.
9/11 Victim Compensation Fund
- Congress approved naming September 11 “Patriot Day”.
- For the first anniversary, The “Tribute in Light” were set (annually) where the Twin Towers once stood.
- A World Trade Center Site Memorial Competition. "Reflecting Absence".
- 2,983 victims' names were engraved on the 152 bronze panels surrounding the pools.
9/11 Anniversary and Memorial
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"Hero" melody song by Enrique Iglesias became a tribute to all people to died helping the victims.
"Never Forgotten" 9/11 Tribute