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Protecting the environment

The environment around the world

5. Assignment

4. Present Perfect and Perfect Present Continuous

3. Experiences and measures

2. Organization that protect the environment

1. Review of prior knowledge



What new things have you learned during classes? Why have we been learning these things?

What have we been learning?

Non-govermental OrganizationsA nonprofit organization that operates independently of any government, typically one whose purpose is to address a social or political issue.

Intergovermental OrganizationsAn entity created by treaty, involving two or more nations, to work in good faith, on issues of common interest.

Have you heard about...?

Programs and Initiatives

Programa virtual de educación ambiental

Have you heard about any programs or initiatives for the environment? Have you been part one?

Programa Regional ABS/CCAD-GIZ

Programa SOS ríos limpios

Programa de Incentivos y Desincentivos Ambientales

Red de Observación Local Ambiental

Programa Nacional de Conservación de Cetáceaos

Present Perfect continuous

Present Perfect


After learning about evironmental protection, think about 5 things that you HAVE DONE or HAVE BEEN DOING that protect the environment. Send a file with your ideas written, and an audio saying them.Remember using Present Perfect of Present Perfect Continuous
