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Constructing Major vs Minor Scales (Theory)

For a short answer to the question: the difference between major and minor scales is the 3rd, 6th and 7th notes which are often a half step lower in a minor scale compared to a major scale. Another big difference is that minor scales tend to evoke negative emotions while major scales tend to evoke positive emotions.

Major Scale Formula

Now consider a C major scale, which is all the “natural” notes or C D E F G A B C. Consider where the whole steps and half steps land. It creates the formula for a major scale which is “W W H W W W H”

This should be review, but a half step is the distance from one key to the very next. So from D to D♯ is a half step. A whole step is the distance from one key to a key two half steps higher or lower. So from D to E is a whole step because it skips D♯.

“Happy Birthday” in A Major

Minor Scale Formula

For comparison, here are the two major and minor scale formulas.

For each major scale there is a corresponding minor scale that uses the same notes known as its relative minor scale. The starting note of a relative minor scale is 3 half steps lower than the major scale. So the relative minor scale of C Major is A minor and the notes are A B C D E F G A. Now we can make a formula for the minor scale.

“Nocturne” by Chopin in C# Minor