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School-Level issue.
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Division-Level issue.
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Click the icon below if you have a School-Level issue.

Click the icon below if you have a Division-Level issue.

Have a Question?

Use this tool to assist you with who to contact if you have a question.


I have already spoken to the teacher and need to know next steps. (Please click the icon below.)

Thanks, I will reach out to the teacher.

#1Contact the person closest to the issue.

Example: You have a question about something that occurred in your child’s classroom; the first person to contact is the child’s teacher.


The assistant principal or designee is aware. Who can I speak with next?

Thanks, I will reach out to the assistant principal.

#2Discuss the issue with the immediate supervisor.

If your question is not resolved by following #1, then discuss the issue with the immediate supervisor of that individual. In most cases the next person with whom to discuss your concern is the person who supervises that individual; for instance, the assistant principal or department head.


I have been in contact with the teacher and administrative staff. I think I need someone at the division level to help.

Thanks, I will reach out to the principal.

#3Contact the school principal.

If you feel your concern has not been addressed after #1 and #2, contact the School Principal after you have spoken with the assistant principal. Most school issues can be resolved at the school level. Please give our school leaders an opportunity to address your concerns; they are eager to assist you.


Contact the appropriate divison department.

If you have a division level issue, OR, if you already completed all steps for a school level issue, click the link below for the department that can best address your specific questions or concerns:

Special Education



Student Discipline

Section 504

Personnel & Human Resources

Health Services

Grounds Services

Food Services

Facilities & Operations

Curriculum & Instruction


Budget & Finance


Click on the department name to see contact information.



For issues at athletic events, with coaches, extra-curricular activities, or clubs, contact Ms. Kristy Hunter, the Activities and Athletics Director (804-693-3866), after speaking with the school principal. If additional assistance is needed after speaking with Ms. Kristy Hunter, the Activities and Athletics Director, please contact Mrs. Katina Keener, Associate Director of Student Services & Ttitle IX Coordinator, at 804-693-7856 or Mr. Bryan Hartley, Deputy Superintendent, at 804-693-5304.




Contact Mr. Dwight Duren, the Chief Financial Officer, at the Department of Budget and Finance (804-693-7811). If additional assistance is needed after speaking with Mr. Dwight Duren, the Chief Financial Officer, please contact Dr. Anthony Vladu, the Division Superintendent at 804-693-1425.

Budget & Finance



The Office of Curriculum & Instruction works with matters pertaining to grades, teaching, assessment, schedules, and the like. Contact the Directors of Elementary & Secondary Instruction, Dr. Amy Stamm & Dr. Diron Ford, in the Instructional Services Department (804-693-4795) after speaking with the school principal.

Curriculum & Instruction



After speaking with the principal or other supervisor, please contact Mr. Dave Miller, Facilities Manager in the Department of Facilities Services (804-693-1207). If additional assistance is needed after speaking with Mr. Dave Miller, the Facilities Manager, please contact Mr. Bryan Hartley, Deputy Superintendent at 804-693-5304.

Facilities & Buildings



After speaking with the principal, feel free to reach out to Ms. Lydia Gilbert, the Director of Food Serivces in the Food Services Department (804-693-1436). If additional assistance is needed after speaking with Ms. Lydia Gilbert, the Director of Food Service, contact Mr. Bryan Hartley, the Deputy Superintendent, at 804-693-5304.

Food Services



After speaking with the principal or other supervisor, please contact Mr. Jimmy Viars, Grounds Manager, in the Department of Facilities & Buildings (804-693-1206). If additional assistance is needed after speaking with Mr. Jimmy Viars, the Grounds Manager, contact Mr. Bryan Hartley, Deputy Superintendent, at 804-693-5304.

Grounds Services



Contact Mrs. Lisa Jones, Director of School Safety & Health Services (804-693-6240) after speaking with the school principal. If additional assistance is needed after speaking with Mrs. Lisa Jones, the Director of Nursing, contact Mr. Bryan Hartley, Deputy Superintendent, at 804-693-5304.

Health Services



After speaking with tthe employee's direct supervisor, contact Ms. Stephanie Hautz, Chief Human Resources Officer, in the Department of Human Resources (804-693-5300). If additional assistance is needed after speaking with Ms. Stephanie Hautz, the Chief Human Resources Officer, please contact Dr. Anthony Vladu, the Division Superintendent, at 804-693-1425.




After speaking with the school principal, please contact Mrs. Katina Keener, the Associate Director of Student Services & Title IX Coordinator at 804-693-7856. If additional assistance is needed after speaking with Mrs. Katina Keener, Associate Director of Student Services & Title IX Coordinator, please contact Mr. Bryan Hartley, Deputy Superintendent, at 804-693-5304.

Section 504



After speaking with the school principal, please contact Dr. Jennifer Tingley, the Director of Special Education in the Department of Special Education (804-693-7880). If additional assistance is needed after speaking with Dr. Jennifer Tingley, the Director of Special Education, please contact Dr. Anthony Vladu, at 804-693-1425.

Special Education



After speaking with the school principal, contact Mrs. Katina Keener, the Associate Director of Student Services & Title IX Coordinator (804-693-7856). If additional assistance is needed after speaking with the Student Services Coordinator, please contact Mr. Bryan Hartley, Deputy Superintendent, at 804-693-5304.

Student Discipline



After speaking with the supervisor closest to the issue, please contact Mr. Jim Rieflin, the Director of Technology in the Department of Technology (804-693-1707). If additional assistance is needed after speaking with Mr. Jim Rieflin, the Director of Technology, please contact Dr. Anthony Vladu, the Division Superintendent at 804-693-1425.




After speaking with the school principal, please contact Mrs. Tanya Deckard, the Director of Transportation at the Department of Transportation (804-693-2127). If additional assistance is needed after speaking with Mrs. Tanya Deckard, the Director of Transportation, please contact Mr. Bryan Hartley, Deputy Superintendent, at 804-693-5304.
