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A horrible murder has occurred in the school library! It is up to just one student to solve the mystery. Follow the clues and find the killer!






The Body in the Library

A horrible murder has occurred in the school library! And it is up to just one student to solve the mystery, follow the clues and find the killer!

Click on the map to start playing


The Body in the Library

One student wanders in the school library at midnight searching for a most wanted book of an author they love, and they find a body laying on the floor... It's the Librarian!

The murderer is very clever and has covered their trails very well, leaving particular clues that the pursuer needs to follow in order to find the reasons behind the crime... and perhaps its perpetrator as well!


To play the game you must follow the story and find clues. Each clue leads to a Horror Literature question that must be answered correctly in order to move forward to the next clue. You must muster all your spooky book knowledge to answer all the questions and find who is the killer!

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Know the characters of the story

Max Black

Max is a senior and loves horror films but is not that much of a reader. He was recently told off by Mrs. White because he has an overdue book from the library and needs to return it in order to graduate

Mr. Brown

Mr. Brown is the Head of the History Department, he is a bit impulsive but a good teacher. He felt personally offended when Mrs. White made fun of him in front of his class for not reading a classic horror novel about vampires.

Miss Green

Mrs. Green is the School Janitor, she is nice but can be short tempered if a mess is involved. She is mad at Mrs. White for leaving a tupperware with food inside the Staff Room's microwave all weekend.

Headmistress Plum

Headmistress Plum has a sour character, she's very strict and morally driven. She was told by the librarian in front of the Executive Comittee for scribbling in library books.


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This is a map of the Library

· Mrs. White's office

· Left Wing

· Staircase (leads to Antiquities Room)

· Staff Room

·Main Desk

· Right Wing

You can click on the map and see the detail of each location

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Clue 1

Clue 5

Clue 2

Clue 4







Clue 4

Location 4

The Body in the Library

You spent all night reading an amazing book that kept you from sleeping. It's a friday and you just took this book home today! There is no way you can wait the whole weekend without a new book so, in a reader's delirium, you decide to break into the school Library and take another book from the same author.

You know your way around the Library very well, and you even know how to operate the catalog system Alexandria. You can enter real quick, find the book and leave! There's no way the Librarian is going to find out!

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The Body in the Library

You get pass the School's main gate, and enter the Library undetected. This must be your lucky day!As soon as you enter the Library you notice something unusual.The door to Mrs. White's office is open wide, that's weird, she usually closes the door even if she's inside the Library. You take a peek inside and cannot believe your eyes.

"What has happened to Mrs. White?!

The lifeless body of the librarian lies on the floor of the small office.

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Mrs. White's office

The body was found in Mrs. White's office. Find the magic spot and click on the map to see a larger image.

After an initial state of shock, you try to stay calm and briefly debate between screaming for help or calling 911, but then you notice something in Mrs. White's pale hand.

Wait, what's that? A piece of paper...?

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Clue 1

Clue 5

Clue 2

Clue 4






Clue 4

Location 4

You found clue #1!

Thanks your numerous wonders in the Library, you recognize the number written in the piece of paper. It's a Dewey Decimal Number! The system used in the library to catalog books.

"The Secret History of Vampires: Their Multiple Forms and Hidden Purposes? What is that? Sounds like the name of an interesting book..."

"Maaaybe, this book is a clue that will lead me to some answers..."

A book about vampires, what could it mean?

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Answer the question correctly and you will find the clue that will lead you to the next location

In Bram Stoker’s famous book "Dracula", The Prince of Darkness Arrives in England how?

On a ship with a dead crew

On a train

Via funeral barge from France

He flies in like a bat


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Clue 1


Clue 5

Clue 2

Clue 4





Clue 4

Location 4

You found clue #2!

You move to the next Location, the left wing of the Library, which is where the book about vampires is located... and, in a corner, obviously misplaced, you see a set of keys. You recognize these keys, they are usually hung in Mrs. White's office or on her belt. These are the keys to the Antiquities Room upstairs.

The Antiquities Room is a very special place inside the Library. Not everyone has access to it, in fact, you've only been inside a couple of times, the last one being the time you were doing some research for your Extended Essay on the feminism in Mary Shelley's Modern Prometheus and you needed to look at some old primary sources.

Why are these keys out of place?

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In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, also known as "The Modern Prometheus", the final scenes occur…

At Frankenstein’s Castle

On the Scottish moors

Aboard a ship in the Arctic

Aboard a ship in the Antarctic


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You find yourself processing what's happening for the first time since entering the Library. Mrs. White is dead, you saw her with your own eyes. She was murdered. There is no murder weapon around, but you found clues and you think the murderer is trying to hide their trails. The first clue you found in Mrs. White's hand. It was a dewey number that took you to a shelf in the left wing of the Library. The book you found was about vampires. How can you connect that to the murderer? Maybe the murderer likes vampires... or is scared of them... Wait. You suddenly remember Mr. Brown being angry at Mrs. White because she made fun of him for not reading Dracula. Dracula is a vampire... is that connection too far-fetched?Would public humilliation be enough reason for Mr. Brown to commit murder?

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In Anne Rice's "Interview With The Vampire", the vampire Lestat turns the indigo planter Louis into a vampire so he will have a companion throughout eternity. When Louis threatens to leave Lestat, what does Lestat do?

Imprisons Louis

Lets him go, but secretly stalks Louis

Gives Louis a vampire dog

Kills a little girl to give Louis a companion to care for


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Clue 1



Clue 5

Clue 2

Clue 3




Clue 4

Location 4

You found clue #3!

You folllow the second clue and move to try to find your way to the Antiquities Room, which is located in the second floor of the Library. The lights are off so you turn them on. Everything looks normal, just as you remember it from the last time you were there.

You take a turn about the room and your muscular memory takes you straight to the book you used as your primary source when you were writing your paper about Mary Shelley. There are no clues in this room.You close the door behind you, and while going down the stairs, you notice something is actually out of place. There is a yellow cloth lying in a corner of one of the steps. It looks exactly like the ones that Mrs. Green uses to dust off the books from the library.

She is very tidy and she would never leave behind any cleaning supply.

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You mentally draw a map in your head to remember where you've found clues

· The Dewey paper in Mrs. White's office

· The set of keys in the Left Wing

· The yellow cloth in the staircase (leads to Antiquities Room)

This clue is confusing. Is it a clue or just a coincidence? If the killer meant to leave this cloth in the stairs, what does it connect to? Mrs. Green? Maybe you should go to where no student has gone before... The Staff Room.

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Edgar Allan Poe’s classic story “The Cask of Amontillado '' features a man who walls up his enemy alive… but what is “Amontillado”?

A kind of wine

The name of a castle

A fabulous gold treasure

The last name of the murderer


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You clicked on the correct answer. You have found the next clue!

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The Staff Room

You've never been inside this room before. You don't know what to expect. You stop to think that nothing is making any sense. The first clue led to another clue, which connects Mr. Brown to the murder, but then the third clue connects Mrs. Green to the scene, which makes no sense. Could I find some sort of evidence in this room?You explore the Staff Room with eyes wide open, trying to spot every single detail. Right there, on the table... there's an open book."Class of 1971"It's an old school yearbook! And it's open in a particular page... there's a picture of a whole class here. They look so different than you look like nowadays... You look at their names.

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Clue 1




Clue 5

Clue 2

Clue 3



Clue 4

Location 4

"What?? It can't be!"Mrs. White is in this yearbook! And there's a scribble on her face... that's weird. Why would anyone scribble just on Mrs. White's face? "Wait a second... Next to Mrs. White... Is this?"Headmistress Plum! There's no mistaking it, she's changed a lot, but that is her, Marienne Plum. So Mrs. White and Headmistress Plum have known eachother since school, curious, you've always thought they didn't get along very well.Specially after Mrs. White told on Headmistress Plum about scribbling in some Library books... Could she have meant this book?!How is Headmistress Plum connected to the librarian's murder?

You found clue #4!

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In Stephen King’s 1983 novel “Pet Sematary”, a graveyard can resurrect the dead -human and pet alike. What’s the name of the cat who gets a new lease on life?



Mr. Whiskers



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Clue 1





Clue 5

Clue 2

Clue 3


Clue 4

Location 4

You found clue #5!

Flipping through the Yearbook you come across a marked page that has a post it on in."Is this another clue?"You look at the post-it and it looks current. Now there are two clues in the Staff Room. One of them clearly links Headmistress Plum to the scene, the other one has a password on it... "A password? What good is a password for?" You think super fast, a phone, a safe, a computer..."Let's see if I can use the computers on the Main Desk."

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Clue Map

After finding a post-it with a password in it, you decide to check on the Main Desk computers... Location #5.Luckily, the computer is on! You enter the password... it's a match! The screen shows you what the previous user was looking at. It's the Alexandria Catalog, which gives access to the patron's archives... and students library cards!

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Shirley Jackson’s The Haunting of Hill house features a main character, Eleanor, who spent many years doing what?

Begging on the streets

Caring for her sick mother

Regaining her sanity in a hospital

Working in a child labor factory


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Clue 1






Clue 5

Clue 2

Clue 3

Clue 4

Clue 6

Max Black's Library card? Max is your classmate, and you didn't even know he ever used the Library... Although now you remember that earlier that morning, the Librarian had told Max that he needed to return an overdue book in order to graduate. Max was visibly nervous... maybe he lost the book?

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Wait... this book! It's the same book you've been looking for! Maybe this book will lead you to the killer... and you know exactly where it is.You head to Location #6, the Right Wing of the Library

Clue Map

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· The Dewey paper in Mrs. White's office

· The set of keys in the Left Wing

· The yellow cloth in the staircase · The yearbook and password in the Staff Room· Max's Library Card in the Main DeskCould Max be involved in the murder of Mrs. White? What about Mr. Brown? and Mrs. Green? And Headmistress Plum? Could any of them be the killer? But which one??

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The Amityville Horror features a house haunted by ghosts of murder victims, who drive the owner to murder his own family too. The house is based in

New York





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Clue 1







Clue 5

Clue 2

Clue 3

Clue 4

Clue 6

You've collected all the clues!

Click here

You go straight to the English Fiction Shelf and you look for the books under the letter C. You know that the books are organized alphabetically by the author's last name."Cabrera, Campbell, Carter, Cell, Chang, Christie... There it is.... Wait, the book is gone, it's not on the shelf!!"You realize you've reached a dead end. With the book gone, the possibilities to find more clues, and thus, the killer, vanishes. "That's it?! No more clues? This leads me nowhere..."Who killed Mrs. White? You are pondering on that when you hear a sound coming from the other side of the Library... Mrs. White's office.

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With a lump on your throat, you go back to Mrs. White's office, the door is closed... Hm, you're pretty sure you left it open. You reach your hand to the doorknob and twist it open... "Wha...."Mrs. White's body is not where you left it. It's gone!Perplexed, you don't notice there's a change in the air and you feel a sudden tap on your shoulder... and a voice says:"Did you find my killer yet?"

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The lively dead body of Mrs. White appears right in front of your face and you can't help but to scream."Whaaaaaat?!" Whas it all a DREAM?!You've just woken up in your bed and you find a copy of "The Body in the Library" by Agatha Christie in your hands... 15 pages to the end of the book you fell asleep. It's now October 31st, the time is 23:57... You hear a strange sound again, coming from outside your bedroom. Was it all really just a dream? You get up to the door and turn the doorknob.Dare to see what's on the other side?

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The End