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Mapping innovative initiatives in education in our alliance.

Circle U. Flagship Initiatives in Education

Integration of external stakeholders

Involvement of students

Inter and trans-disciplinarity

Internationalization of education



Integration of external stakeholders

Initiatives where external stakeholders helped the universities to develop innovative activities.

Involvement of students

Inititiatives where the students are driving forces in the development and execution of the projects.

Initiatives where the students have the opportunity to meet students and teachers from different disciplines.

Initiatives where the students have the possibility to exchange with students and teachers from different countries.

Inter and trans-disciplinarity

Internationalization of education

Each Circle U. partner gathered flagship initiatives that they considered innovative in these categories.


Courses taught in English within the fields of Culture and Society, Media and Communication, Business, Management and Economics, Psychology, Political Science, Law, Health, Natural Science and Technology.All teaching at AU Summer University is based on current research and has a strong international perspective.

Summer University

A voluntary competition that brings the students to use their knowledge, skills and competences to find solutions to a problem faced by a local company.

Case competition "Stay Relevant"

This course confronts students to real company problems in order to encourage them to think about disruptive innovative solutions.

Course "Advance Innovation"

Courses taught in English within the fields of Culture and Society, Media and Communication, Business, Management and Economics, Psychology, Political Science, Law, Health, Natural Science and Technology.All teaching at AU Summer University is based on current research and has a strong international perspective.

Summer University

A voluntary competition that brings the students to use their knowledge, skills and competences to find solutions to a problem faced by a local company.

Case competition "Stay Relevant"

This course confronts students to real company problems in order to encourage them to think about disruptive innovative solutions.

Course "Advance Innovation"

Integration of external Stakeholders

Inter and trans-disciplinarity

Involvement of students


Course "Advanced Innovation"



This course confronts students to real company problems in order to encourage them to think about disruptive innovative solutions.Level: Masters

This initiative has been presented in the project InnovEd4Ts

Integration of external Stakeholders

A voluntary competition that brings the students to use their knowledge, skills and competences to find solutions to a problem faced by a local company.Level: Bachelor


Case competition "Stay Relevant"



Internationalization of education

This initiative has been presented in the project InnovEd4Ts

Courses taught in English within the fields of Culture and Society, Media and Communication, Business, Management and Economics, Psychology, Political Science, Law, Health, Natural Science and Technology.All teaching at AU Summer University is based on current research and has a strong international perspective. Level: Bachelor or Master


Summer University



University of Belgrade

EQUI ED project

The EQUI ED project is designed to strengthen equal access to higher education by widening admission and university completion of students from underrepresented groups.

The Centre for Career Development aims to enhance student’s employability through specific courses, internships and soft-skills workshops.

Centre for Career Development and Student Counselling

The Training and Research for Academic Newcomers (TRAIN) aims to develop soft skills and professional capacities for young academics.

TRAIN programme

The English Language Module (ELM) aims to mainstream the learning and teaching of English in all the core subjects of university education.

English Language Module (ELM) of the Teacher Education Faculty

Integration of external Stakeholders

University of Belgrade

Internationalization of education

Inter and trans-disciplinarity

The English Language Module (ELM) aims to mainstream the learning and teaching of English in all the core subjects of university education.Level: Bachelor


Involvement of students



English Language Module (ELM) of the Teacher Education Faculty

Inter and trans-disciplinarity

The Training and Research for Academic Newcomers (TRAIN) aims to develop soft skills and professional capacities for young academics.Level: PhD studentsYoung Academic and Researchers, Associate and Assistant Professors


University of Belgrade



TRAIN project

Integration of external Stakeholders

The Centre for Career Development aims to enhance student’s employability through specific courses, internships and soft-skills workshops. Level: Bachelor, Masters, PhD Students



University of Belgrade


University Centre for Career Development and Student Counselling

The EQUI ED project is designed to strengthen equal access to higher education by widening admission and university completion of students from underrepresented groups. Level: Bachelor, High School graduates from disadvantaged groups.

University of Belgrade



Involvement of students


EQUI ED project

The Law Clinic pursue an innovative teaching concept that combines academic activity with practical experience at an early stage of legal education.

The Humboldt Law Clinic Grund- und Menschenrechte (HLCMR)

A university-wide initiative fostering research-based learning by integrating students on research projects.


Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Involvement of students

Integration of external Stakeholders

Internationalization of education

Inter and trans-disciplinarity

This initiative has been presented in the project InnovEd4Ts




A university-wide initiative fostering research-based learning by integrating students on research projects.Level: Bachelor and Master


Involvement of students

Integration of external Stakeholders

The Law Clinic pursues an innovative teaching concept that combines academic activity with practical experience at an early stage of legal education.Level: Bachelor & Master




The Humboldt Law Clinic Grund- und Menschenrechte (HLCMR)

Consulting project allowing marketing students at King’s Business School to develop a communication campaign for an NGO.

Course "Keep London Wild!"

Innovative course where students take the role of a marketing consultant and build a response to challenges posed by a client.

Course "Markets, Society and Organisation"

Programme integrating creative and critical thinking from Arts and Humanities into the clinical curriculum of Oral Healthcare students.

Clinical Humanities & Wellbeing programme

Integration of external Stakeholders

Internationalization of education

Programme integrating creative and critical thinking from Arts and Humanities into the clinical curriculum of Oral Healthcare studentsLevel: Bachelor.

Inter and trans-disciplinarity



Involvement of students


Clinical Humanities & Wellbeing programme

Integration of external Stakeholders

Innovative course where students take the role of a marketing consultant and build a response to challenges posed by a client.Level: Bachelor and Masters

Inter and trans-disciplinarity



Involvement of students


Course "Markets, Society and Organisation"

Integration of external Stakeholders

Consulting project allowing marketing students at King’s Business School to develop a communication campaign for an NGO.Level: Masters

Inter and trans-disciplinarity



Involvement of students


Course "Keep London Wild!"

Innovation Classes

With this initiative, the school offers a different pedagogical approach to encourage students' creativity and to familiarize them with the innovation methods developed in recent years.

‘Louvain moocXperience’ is a project that seizes the MOOC opportunity for rethinking higher education at UCLouvain and worldwide. MOOCs stand for Massive Open Online Courses: free courses, open to be attended by anyone interested in the world.


Course organised in partnership with NGOs. Every year, it enables around 150 students from Belgium and universities of the South to work together on 25 concrete and sustainable projects.


Original progrmme that offers students, professors and researchers the opportunity to interact with artists and work with them on a collective artistic project.

Artists-in-Residence programme


Involvement of students

Inter and trans-disciplinarity

This initiative has been presented in the project InnovEd4Ts




Original programme that offers students, professors and researchers the opportunity to interact with artists and work with them on a collective artistic projectLevel: Bachelor.

Artists-in-Residence programme

Inter and trans-disciplinarity

Internationalization of education

Course organised in partnership with NGOs. Every year, it enables around 150 students from Belgium and universities of the South to work together on 25 concrete and sustainable projects.Level: Bachelor and Master




This initiative has been presented in the project InnovEd4Ts


Internationalization of education

‘Louvain moocXperience’ is a project that seizes the MOOC opportunity for rethinking higher education at UCLouvain and worldwide. MOOCs stand for Massive Open Online Courses: free courses, open to be attended by anyone interested in the world. Level: all





Integration of external Stakeholders

Internationalization of education

Inter and trans-disciplinarity



Involvement of students


‘With this initiative, the school offers a different pedagogical approach to encourage students' creativity and to familiarize them with the innovation methods developed in recent years.Level: Master (second year) at the school of Engineering and also in other faculties, as well as international students

Innovation Classes

The Center for Computing in Science Education is an internationally leading hub for the integration of programming and computing into education programs from schools through higher education.

SHE is a Center of Excellence in Education. SHE aims to empower future healthcare professionals to make evidence-based decisions that protect and preserve our planet's resources to both present and future generations.

Center for Computing in Science Education

Centre for Integrated Earth System Education – iEarth

Center for Sustainable Healthcare Education - SHE

Course where students across academic institutions and the City of Oslo collaborate to build and execute projects addressing the city’s environmental and social challenges.

CityStudio Oslo programme

A centre of excellence and innovation encouraging students’ participation in developing new forms of teaching and learning.

Centre for Experimental Legal Learning - CELL

A three-year elective interdisciplinary bachelor programme to develop a comprehensive knowledge in various disciplines.


Inter and trans-disciplinarity

A three-year elective interdisciplinary bachelor programme to develop a comprehensive knowledge in various disciplines.Level: Bachelor





A centre of excellence and innovation encouraging students’ participation in developing new forms of teaching and learning.Level: Masters


Involvement of students



‘Centre for Experimental Legal Learning - CELL

Integration of external Stakeholders

Inter and trans-disciplinarity

Original course where students across academic institutions and the City of Oslo collaborate to build and execute projects addressing the city’s environmental and social challenges.Level: Bachelor




Involvement of students

CityStudio Oslo programme

Integration of external Stakeholders


Involvement of students


SHE is a Center of Excellence in Education located within the Faculty of Medicine. SHE aims to empower future healthcare professionals to make evidence-based decisions that protect and preserve our planet's resources to both present and future generations.


Level: Bachelor

Center for Sustainable Healthcare Education - SHE


Involvement of students



Centre for Integrated Earth System Education – iEarth

Center for Integrated Earth Science Education (iEarth) is a Norwegian Center of Excellence in Education. We aim to establish an innovative and student-centered learning emvironment

Internationalization of education

Inter and trans-disciplinarity


The Center for Computing in Science Education is an internationally leading hub for the integration of programming and computing into education programs from schools through higher education.

Involvement of students



Level: Bachelor

Center for Computing in Science Education

The main goal of the program is to allow students to learn medical knowledge cooperatively in a contextualized setting while solving clinical cases, and at the same time, to acquire competences that are easily transferable to clinical practice.

The course mixes students from th e different faculties of the university, and articulates academic knowledge with bodywork and theatre courses.

Problem-based learning in health education

Course “Body Mind – Mind Body”

MOOC "Fostering inclusive education from kindergarden to higher education"

Mooc for education professionals accompanying pupils and students with a chronic serious illness.

Digital platform dedicated to Objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) training and evaluation for medical students.

Digital OSCE training platform

Intercultural and innovative teaching programme aiming at enhancing medical students' knowledge in Infectious Diseases.

IDEAL+ programme

A course where students have to design and build a serious escape game around a scientific enigma.

Course "Scientific Escape Game"

Université Paris Cité

Inter and trans-disciplinarity

A course where students have to design and build a serious escape game around a scientific enigma.Level: Bachelor

Involvement of students




Course "Scientific Escape Game"

Internationalization of education

Intercultural and innovative teaching programme aiming at enhancing medical students' knowledge in Infectious Diseases.Level: Undergraduate medical students




IDEAL+ programme

Integration of external Stakeholders

Digital platform dedicated to Objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) training and evaluation for medical students.Level: Undergraduate medical students




Digital OSCE training platform

Integration of external Stakeholders

MOOC for education professionals accompanying pupils and students with a chronic serious illness.Level: Bachelor & Master. Professors and teachers, health professionals and social workers




MOOC “Fostering Inclusive Education from Kindergarten to Higher Education”

Integration of external Stakeholders

Internationalization of education

Inter and trans-disciplinarity

Involvement of students

The course mixes students from the different faculties of the university, and articulates academic knowledge with bodywork and theatre courses.Level: Bachelor


This initiative has been presented in the project InnovEd4Ts



Course “Body Mind – Mind Body”

Internationalization of education

Inter and trans-disciplinarity

The main goal of the program is to allow students to learn medical knowledge cooperatively in a contextualized setting while solving clinical cases, and at the same time, to acquire competences (know-how and soft skills) that are easily transferable to clinical practice.Level: 2nd and 3 rd year students


Involvement of students



Problem-based learning in health education

The project "TESSITURE: Textures. Sources and methods for a transversal and cultural reading of the challenges of the present and the past" took the form of a film club accompanied by seminars for in-depth analysis and shared reflection.


IThis laboratory is an opportunity to enhance student skills on problem related to environmental and climatic changes and create public management of environmental data obtained within a frame of rigorous scientific approach.

Summer School : monitoring environment and climate changes

The project is part of the Special Projects for Education that the University of Pisa promotes for research and experimentation of innovative teaching.

MUSEIA: Museum Culture Workshop

Integration of external Stakeholders

The project is part of the Special Projects for Education that the University of Pisa promotes for research and experimentation of innovative teaching. Level: Bachelor & Master


Inter and trans-disciplinarity



Involvement of students

MUSEIA: Museum Culture Workshop

This laboratory is an opportunity to enhance student skills on problem related to environmental and climatic changes and create public management of environmental data obtained within a frame of rigorous scientific approach. Level: Bachelor

Internationalization of education




Involvement of students

Summer School: monitoring environment and climate changes

Integration of external Stakeholders

The project "TESSITURE: Textures. Sources and methods for a transversal and cultural reading of the challenges of the present and the past" took the form of a film club accompanied by seminars for in-depth analysis and shared reflection.Level: Bachelor



Internationalization of education


Inter and trans-disciplinarity


Summer University

Problem-based learning in health education

Innovation Classes


Summer School: monitoring environment and climate changes



Course “Body Mind – Mind Body”

Clinical Humanities & Wellbeing programme

Initiatives where the students have the possibility to exchange with students and teachers from different countries.


English Language Module (ELM) of the Teacher Education Faculty

IDEAL+ programme

Internationalization of Education

Problem-based learning in health education

Innovation Classes


MUSEIA: Museum Culture Workshop


CityStudio Oslo programme

Course “Body Mind – Mind Body”

Course "Keep London Wild!"

Course "Markets, Society and Organisation"

TRAIN project


Clinical Humanities & Wellbeing programme

English Language Module (ELM) of the Teacher Education Faculty

Course "Advanced Innovation"

Initiatives where the students have the opportunity to meet students and teachers from different disciplines.


Artist-in-Residence programme

Course "Scientific Escape Game"

Inter and trans-disciplinarity

Problem-based learning in health education

Innovation Classes

Summer School: monitoring environment and climate changes

MUSEIA: Museum Culture Workshop

Course "Keep London Wild!"

Course "Markets, Society and Organisation"

Clinical Humanities & Wellbeing programme

English Language Module (ELM) of the Teacher Education Faculty

Course "Advanced Innovation "

CityStudio Oslo programme

Course “Body Mind – Mind Body”

The Humboldt Law Clinic Grund- und Menschenrechte (HLCMR)

Centre for Experimental Legal Learning - CELL

Artist-in-Residence programme

EQUI ED project

Inititiatives where the students are driving forces in the development and execution of the projects.


Course "Scientific Escape Game"

Involvement of students

Innovation Classes


MUSEIA: Museum Culture Workshop

Course “Body Mind – Mind Body”

CityStudio Oslo programme

The Humboldt Law Clinic Grund- und Menschenrechte (HLCMR)


Course "Keep London Wild!"

Course 'Markets, Society and Organisation"

Clinical Humanities & Wellbeing programme

English Language Module (ELM) of the Teacher Education Faculty

Course "Advanced Innovation"

MOOC "Fostering inclusive education from kindergarden to higher education"

Centre for Career Development and Student Counselling

Case competition "Stay Relevant"

Digital OSCE training platform

Integration of external stakeholders

Initiatives where external stakeholders helped the universities to develop innovative activities.