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The Grmmar Translation Method
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The Grmmar Translation Method


Reinforcement video

The grammar translation method has been used by teachers for many years and is based on the mode of teaching used by Latin and Greek, known as the classical or traditional method. This method is mainly focused on the development of English through writing and reading, it also helps students to speak and write their mother tongue better and this is thanks to the series of techniques that are developed with this method. For example, a very efficient technique is for students to translate passages from English to Spanish, and if they can translate them they are considered successful language learners. Another example is that students memorize vocabulary with this method, many words are learned and this is a fundamental basis when students are going to make their translations or express themselves in English. Through the grammatical translation method, students expand their knowledge in many ways and provides students with good mental exercises and this helps develops their mind as they learn: grammatical paradigms, translate passages, memorize vocabulary, identify cognates, synonyms and antonyms etc. The role of teacher and student is traditional, the teacher is the authority in the classroom and the student must follow their instructions to learn. As we can see, the grammar translation method helps students a lot when they are learning another language since this method focuses on the study of grammar and vocabulary and its main focus is to develop English through writing and reading.

Our activity is based on the principle of learning a language is to be able to read literature written in it. That is to say, for this activity we will provide the students with some sheets of paper with a literary passage from the book The Curious Incident of the Dog In the Night-time, Mark Haddon, which has an entertaining and light story with a great richness in vocabulary, ideal for our activity. It is said that literary language is superior to spoken language. That is why students will have some time in class to read the literary passage, after that students in pairs will have another time in class and begin to translate the text from English to Spanish, at the end of translating the text students must share their translations orally with their classmates and must discuss among all translations to choose the most accurate translation of the text.