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Everything Happen a little before, during, and after the Spanish American War.

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“The Maine was sunk by an act of dirty treachery on the part of the Spaniards.” -Theodore Roosevelt

Once the United States is in Cuba who will drive it out? - Cuban revolutionary JoséMartí

Treaty of Paris12/1898 Purchase of Hawaii 6/1898

Sinking of the USS Maine 02/1898 Teller Amendment04/20/1898

Big Stick Diplomacy9/1901

Open Door Policy1899

Platt Amendment4/2/1901

Dollar Diplomacy1909

Spanish American War4/25/1898

Monroe Doctrine12/1823


  • Finished Panama Canal
  • Creation of the Fereral Reserve
  • Federal Trade Commission
  • IRS
  • Lead US through WW1
  • 8 hr workday, + overtime
  • League of Nations
  • Advocated Westernization of Hawaii
  • President of Hawaii
  • First Governor of Hawaii
  • Wrote Book, The
Influence of Sea Power
  • Pro-Imperialism
  • Played significalty towards
American expansion
  • Secretary of Navy
  • Rough Riders
  • Started Panama Canal
  • Big Stick Policy
  • President of the US

Sanford B. Dole

Alfred Mahan

Woodrow Wilson

Theordore Roosevelt

See What Happened Was...

5. Yellow Journalism

4. U.S.S. Maine

2. Americans had sympathy for the residents under Spaniard control

3. Monroe Doctrine & Economic Interests

1. Spain was mistreating the Cuban residents

See What Happened Was...

Americans being the underdog as they were did not take kindly to the treatment of Cubans that they read about in the newpapers. Being a country that sought freedom from one that abused its power, we felt for the Cubans with regard to Spain.

The Monroe Doctrine was done before the Spanish American conflict and could be seen as a precurser to the war being enevitable since America had her eyes set on Latin America in general.

Also known as the SPARK! This was the last straw for Americans. Once the sinking of the USS Maine was linked with yellow journalism, Americans were all in for war.

Yellow Journalism was a great tool to get Americans on the side of politicians with regard to war. Yellow Journalism will later turn into propaganda which will turn into the advertisement industry.

USS Maine

American Sympathy

Monre Doctrine

Yellow Journalism

Are you ready to learn some AWESOME things?

Throughout the 1890s, many people in the United States objected to Spain's treatment of the people of Cuba, which then was a colony of Spain. For decades, Cuban revolutionaries had attempted to overthrow Spanish authority. The Spanish government in Cuba forced suspected revolutionaries into prison camps, among other tactics. Some reporters in the United States, known as “the yellow press,” printed sensationalist stories regarding Spanish atrocities in Cuba. Many in the U.S. firmly believed that the United States, which they considered the bastion of representative government, could not permit Spain's continued subjugation of the Cuban people.

Spanish American War Overview

America's Response

In February 1898, the Maine exploded, killing 260 U.S. servicemen. The U.S. public was convinced that the Spanish were responsible, although there was no clear evidence. McKinley sent a declaration of war to the United States Congress, which approved the declaration on April 25, 1898.

Tensions between the United States and Cuba came to a boiling point in February 1898. President William McKinley, an Ohioan, had dispatched a United States battleship, the Maine, to Cuba, purportedly to protect U.S. citizens in Cuba in case a war erupted between the Spanish and the Cubans.

Initially used to bring about sympathy for Cubans and then used to bring about rage against Spain for the sinking of the USS Maine, even though there was no direct evidence Spain sunk the ship.

Articles written in a maner that convinces the reader to believe something, even if the content isn't entirely true. Compare it to modern day, Fake News.

Yellow Journalism

USS Maine

The Treaty of Paris (1898) officially ended the Spanish-American War. The United States acquired Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines as territories. Cuba technically gained its independence, but United States soldiers remained in the country for years, commonly intervening in the new nation's politics. While some in the U.S. opposed expansion, the easy United States victory in the Spanish-American War and the acquisition of territory from Spain all but guaranteed President McKinley reelection in the election of 1900.

Treaty of Paris

Open Door Policy

The Difference is..

Open Door Policy

The Open Door policy was a statement of principles initiated by the United States in 1899 and 1900. It called for protection of equal privileges for all countries trading with China and for the support of Chinese territorial and administrative integrity.

The Monroe Doctrine is a key part of U.S. foreign policy. President James Monroe issued the policy in 1823. It stated that North and South America were no longer open to colonization. It also declared that the United States would not allow European countries to interfere with independent governments in the Americas.

Monroe Doctrine

Promises to defend Cuba was met with undercurrents of plans to use Cuba for self interests.

Colonization ... in no such words...

Led ot the Revolution in Cuba.

Allowed the US to remain involved in the affairs of Cuba.

Note 4

Note 2

Note 3

Note 1


Speak softly and carry a big stick.

Following the failure of a French construction team in the 1880s, the United States commenced building a canal across a 50-mile stretch of the Panama isthmus in 1904. ... Opened in 1914, oversight of the world-famous Panama Canal was transferred from the U.S. to Panama in 1999

Big Stick diplomacy is the policy of carefully mediated negotiation ("speaking softly") supported by the unspoken threat of a powerful military ("big stick"). The Great White Fleet, a group of American warships that toured the world in a show of peaceful strength, is the leading example of Big Stick diplomacy during Roosevelt’s presidency. President Roosevelt used Big Stick diplomacy in many foreign policy situations. He brokered an agreement for an American-led canal through Panama, expanded American influence in Cuba, and negotiated a peace treaty between Russia and Japan. For this, Roosevelt won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906.

Big Stick Policy

Panama Canal

  • Created by President Taft, Theodore Roosevelt's successor.
  • Tried to get US companies to invest in other countries businesses to increase those governments to be friendlier with the US
  • Thought once they recieved our money, they would realize the benefit of them, and want the US to stay.
  • Not accepted by other countries
  • Tried to take control of Hondurus, Nicaragua, and Haiti, by buying up their debt with other countries, it failed.
  • Tried to intervene in the building of the Chinese Railroad, had to convince Europe to let us, and JP Morgan to invest in the project.
  • Theodore Roosevelt disagreed with his plan and created 3rd party, Progressive "BULL MOOSE" Party and both him and Taft lost the election and Woodrow Wilson became president.

No force, Just Economics

Dollar Diplomacy

What area did the Monroe Doctrine focus on? What area did the Open Door Policy focus on?

It set the US up to be a World Power

  1. Because the US defeated Spain, it now was showcased as the top powerhouse, countries recognize its ability to fight.
  2. These territories that were ceded to the US through the Treaty of Paris set the US up with strategic property for future wars.
  3. These territories also had a lot of resources for the US to capitalize on and make the US richer.
  4. These properties, along with the previously purchased Alaska and the comming annexation of Hawaii, have set the US up with naval and military bases in different areas of the world, and set them up with lucrative resources to use through colonization.

So why was the Treaty of Paris so important?

Did not want to join the SPAW, or take on other countries, citing issues like economic, legal, racial, and moral issues.

The Anti-Imperialist League was formed in June 1898

Liked the resources we had access to through those companies.

Believed the US deserved World Power



Puerto Rico






Acquired through Annexation or Purchase

  • Yellow Journalism is playing on American's sympathy for the Cubans who are being mistreated by the Spaniards.
  • USS Maine is sunk.
  • Yellow Journalism strikes again and makes everyone think the Spaniards did it.
  • US goes to war and it lasts 4 months, US wins.
  • Treaty of Paris happens between Spain and US ceding the US the Philipines, Guam, and Puerto Rico.
  • The Platt Agreement also happened after the SPAW, which stated Cuba could remain independant of the US.
  • This brought up the debate of Imperialists and Anti-Imperialists.
  • The US also has bought Alaska from Russia and Annexed Hawaii in.
  • The Monroe Doctrine also happened, pretty much us telling the world to stay out of Latin America.
  • Open Door Policy set up free trade with China

So give me the run down...