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The Collaboration Space is an area where groups can all work on the same page.

The Content Library is where all activities can be found (but cannot be edited)

Your Space is where weekly class activities will be distributed to you. You can fill in activities here, access interactive content and polls, and even make your own notes. Only you and the teachers can see this
Your interactive Class Activity workbook
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Your interactive Class Activity workbook

The Collaboration Space is an area where groups can all work on the same page.The Content Library is where all activities can be found (but cannot be edited)Your Space is where weekly class activities will be distributed to you. You can fill in activities here, access interactive content and polls, and even make your own notes. Only you and the teachers can see this

Using the Collaboration Space

The Collaboration Space will be used in some sessions where there are group activities/reflection, and you are asked to discuss or present your repsonse. To use it:

1. Your tutor will give each group a number at the start of the activity

2. You click on the page number for your group, and you can all add content - click anywhere on the page to start adding text

3. Add images, videos or documents by selecting "Insert" and chosing your media

Remember! All other groups can also see your work

How your OneNote Class Workbook will work

1. Each week your tutor will distribute a page of activities for that session to your area

3. During the session, when a Class notebook activity comes up, complete it in OneNote in your area (not the Content Library!)

2. You will access these in your own area under 'Class Exercises', including Pre-reading/exercises

4. Your tutor(s) can see your work, and give you feedback or support if required

5. You can also write any notes yourself and keep them in one place

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Using the Content Library

The Content Library is not editable - it is only available to be viewed by students. Only tutors can add, edit and changeYou can get an idea of what activities are upcoming by clicking through the sectionsAny activities for that weeks' session will be accessed (and editable) in your area

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