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Regarding the object of systematization

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Regarding purposes

The systematization of practices has three, even though, some systematization approaches, usually combine more than one of them.

It implies three dimensions or types of practices:

Purposes and the object of systematization

1. To exchange knowledge or learning amongst different groups;

2. To reflect on and understand practice; and

3. To obtain knowledge from practice.

1. The people’s practice

2. The professionals’ practice;

3. The intentional relationship between both (the methods).

These three kinds of practices, according to Palma, are different, so each one of them can legitimately be a systematization object. Systematization can also focus on a combination of all, but this is much more complicated and needs very skillful handling (Hargreaves & Morgan 2009).

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Referencia bibliográfica Hargreaves, S., & Morgan, M. (2009). Resource pack on systematization of experiences. Johannesburg: ActionAid. Imágenes e ilustraciones Shutterstock, Freepik y Vecteezy.

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