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The Diary Of a Young Girl

The Secret Annex

Betrayal And The Arrest

Death And Concentration Camps

Annelise Marie Frank

annelies marie frank

The story of the tragic death of a young girl and her diary ''KITTY''.


Anne Frank was a Dutch diarist of Jewish heritage . She is one of the most talked about victims of THE HOLOCAUST.

Many rules and regulations were established which made lives of Jews more difficult.Anne's father Otto Frank lost his company. Afterall Anne had to go to a Jewish School.

Jews , and blamed them for the problems in their country.

With the begining of the second world war the Nazi's invaded.

This situation was one of the main reasons that made Anne's parents move to Amsterdam in The Netherlands.

In Amsterdam Anne went to a Dutch school near her home.She learned many languages and made new friends.

It was the period where unemployment was high and poverty was severe in Germany. Those days Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party hated the

  • Margot frank
[ The eldest of The Frank sisters ]
  • Otto Frank with the little Frank sisters

Anne's mother Edith Frank

Anne's father Otto Frank

Anne Frank before going into hiding

Anne Frank's friends

The original diary on display at the ANNE FRANK MUSEUM in AMSTERDAM

The book version of the last entries of the diary

The diary of a young girl

Anne has become a famous name cause of her Diary. For her 13th birthday the teenager recieved an authograph book , that she decided to use as a diary .The diary's first entry was dated as 12th June 1942 .cause of this diary Anne is known as nowadays most succesful diariest of all time .

The book version of the diaries 1st entry

Miep Gies in her younger days.

This is Miep Gies she was a helper of Otto Frank. she is the one who safely kept Anne's Diary before giving it to Otto Frank after they were arrested by the Nazi party.

The Secret Annex was at the back of a BOOKCASE.

When Anne's sister Margot recieved a call-up for a labor camp in Germany.The Frank Family who lived elsewhere decided to go into hiding in The Annex on July 6 , 1942 of the buisness premises of Otto Frank immediately.

In 1941 Anne lost her German nationality even though she was born a German national , due to Adolf Hitler and The Nazi party gaining control over Germany.

Anne Frank spent 761 days in the secret annex.The Frank family's hiding place may be the best-known building in Amsterdam.

  • Pictures pasted on the walls of Anne's small room in the annex
  • And Anne's desk in the small room where she wrote the succesfullest diary of all time [THE DIARY OF A YOUNG GIRL ]
  • Inside of the secret annex

the secret annex

The families who went into hiding together

  • Fitz Pfeffer
  • The bookcase now sealed and protected in the Anne Frank museum
  • The internal structure of Otto's factory
  • The bookcase in the factory that led to the secret annex
  • The secret annex in AMSTERDAM

Victor Kuglar

Bep Voskuiji

Jahannes Kleiman

Jan Gies

Miep Gies

the helpers

Willem Grootendorst

Gezinus Gringhus

Karl Siberbauer

  • The Australian , Karl Siberbauer
  • The Dutch officer Gezinus Gringhus
  • The Dutch officer Williem Grootendorst

There were atleast three Police officers involved in the raid and arrest;

On 4th August 1944 Police officers discovered eight people in hiding they were arrested along with two of the helpers. Amoung those captured was Anne Frank , a 15-year-old schoolgirl who had spent over two years living in the cramped safehouse with her parents and older sister.

Betrayal and the arrest

Anne's last Diary entry was on August 1 ,1944. Three days later the secret annex was discovered by the GESPTAPO who was acting on a tip from a Dutch informer. It is not yet confirmed who gave them the tip but there are numerouse articles and books written about this house arrest and how it went down .


What Happened To Them After The Arrest?

If By Who And Why?

Were They Betrayed ?

Yet Remains A Mystery

Even after 75 years of research with modern technology yet there is no evidence that The Franks were betrayed , even if they were there is no definite identity of the Snitch.

A long-theory proposed is that a new employee at Otto Frank's buisness , Willem Van Maaren , tipped off the Nazis.

Over the years , more than 30 individuals have been suspected of betraying Frank and her family and friends.


This is a mystery that many many people seek answers to, unfortunately it is not certain as nothing is brought forward except for theories , so without evidence it is uncertain how The Nazi's got information about The Secret Annex.

However it seemed that Otto Frank knew the name of the traitor but he never revealed , Because his main objective was to publish his daughter's Diary.

But in 2002 it was revealed that one of Otto Frank's friends , Tonny Ahler was the traitor. But yet again there was no evidence to prove this ''theory'' as well .

Peter Van Pels

It is reported that the whole Van Pels family died as well , but in different concentration camps.

Where they suffered due to many events.

death and concentration camps

Concentration camps

The Franks were transported to WESTERBORK ,and from there to AUSCHWITZ in GERMANY on September 3 ,1944 . On the last transport to leave WESTERBORK for AUSCHWITZ , Anne and Margot were transfered to THE BERGEN-BELSON CONCENTRATION CAMP the following month.

Edith Frank, their mother died in Auschwitz on January 6th 1945. Otto Frank in the other hand was found hospitalized by Soviet troops.


tHE bergen-belson concentration camp

Janny Brandis Brilleslijper

Janny Brandis Brilleslijper was

a nurse in The Bergen-Belson Concentration camp and she claims to have seen Anne Frank two or three days before her tragic death.

Irma Sonnenberg Menkel

This is a woman who claims she saw Anne Frank ''Die''.

''THe mass grave''

ANNE frank's death

It was established by the Dutch Government that both Anne and Margot died in a TYPHUS EPIDEMIC in March 1945 just days apart , but in 2015 some scholors revealed that the sisters might have perished in February 1945 .

Memorial plaques of the whole family

The Frank sisters' memorial stone


Issued by the Dutch Government

Anne and Margot Frank's death certificates

  • Anne Frank yet remains as a role model for not just children but also for many adults as well.

Anne Frank had stated her ambition was to be a Journalist/Writer but now she is one of the greatest journalist of all time .

still remembered




Anne Frank's Diary was translated into more than 65 languages.

Anne Frank

''i still believe , in spite of everything ,that people are really good at heart''

KUMALi bandaranayake







LINANGA manorathna

