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1.2 Minerals and plant growth

Understand what minerals and their importance in plants.Identify key minerals needed for healthy plant


What do you think plants need to grow?

Warmer-Group discusion

They need water, air,sunlight and minerals.

Feed back


Focus and be ready for questions.

1. State one reason plant need minerals.2. Write down two minerals that plant need. 3.Which nutrient makes chlorophyll for green plant? 4. Where do plants get minerals from?

Individual activity-Write answers in the note book

1. makes the plant grow larger/increase yield.2. Magnesium, nitrates, potassium, phosporous. 3. Magnesium. 4. Soil and adding fertiliser.

Feed back



Think like A scientistWhich mineral is lacking in leaf A?

1 The leaf is yellow because it lacks magnesium and nitrates.

Feed back

Each group to create a poster about one key mineral. . Include the role it plays in plant growth. . The symptoms of deficiency.

poster creation-Group work

Write down one thing that has suprised you in this lesson.

