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Team 2

Over 30 million people create interactive content in Genially.

Check out what others have designed:


Cantu Espinosa, Sofia Cardona Zavala, Sofia Carrera Ibarra, Alejandro Carillo Barco, Daniela Cavazos Tijerina, Nestor Oziel


State-of-the-art technologies

Industry 4.0


Backup copies


Bibliographic sources

Digital responsability

Data protection


OneDrive application

Storage in the cloud

Virtual Machines

Immersion in the Cloud

Pillars of Industry 4.0


Watch this video for more information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMmnSZ7U1qM

Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 or Fourth Industrial Revolution is a tansformation of the industry that is aimed at the automation, digitization and integration of all its processes.Some applications of Industry 4.0 Today:-Use of Robots. -3D Printing.-Optimize logistics and production chains. -Internet of Things and the cloud.-Autonomous vehicles and equipment.-Detect oportunities.

Big Data

Big data is data that is presented in increasing volumes, at a higher velocity and which contains a greater variety of information. This is known as "The Three V´s", that is big data is made up of large and complex data sets thta come from new data sources.The Three V´s:-Volume: is the amount of data that is important.-Velocity: is the rate at which data is received and used.-Variety: refers to various types of data available.

Autonomous Robots

Autonomous robots are those with the ability to execute activities and tasks without the need for some kind of command or control given directly by the human being.What Kinds of of Autonomous Robots Exist?-Autonomous or service robots. -Autonomous rescue and emergency robots.-Autonomous space exploration robots. -Autonomous industrial robots.-Autonomous robots for people with disabilities.

Advantages of Autonomous Robots in Industry 4.0

  • Military Sector: can be used in activities like, rescue protection and defense, though the use of weapons.
  • Medical Sector: can be used in various surgical procedures using minimally techniques.
  • Care and Services Sector: can be used for clening, taking orders, etc.
  • Space Sector: used for the recognition and exploration of planets.
  • Industrial Sector: can perform activities in production and manufacturing environments.


Industry 4.0, data theft is one of the most dreaded threats; other attacks, such as industrial espionage, can be perpetrated to damage some companies and strenghten others to simply as extortion for economic purposes.Computer Attacks in the Industry:A cyberattack perpetrated in an industry can compromise different levels of severity depending on its impact on the business.Spam or adware only causes annoyance to the organization, however, spyware can monitor usage and browsing habits.Phishing is more dangerous, as it can use the acquired information to carry out more serious and spcialized cyberattacks.Among the most serious cyberattacks are rookit and APT (Advance Persistent Threats), which can lead to a total and inadvertent loss of system control, and virtually undetectable attacks that can remain on a system.

3D Printing

To print in 3D, a 3D is required: a device with the ability to create three-dimensional solid physical bodies by adding a specific material layer by layer; This action is similar to what a sculptor would do by carving a stone to finally achieve the desired piece. The goal of 3D Printing is similar to that of the sculptor: create a piece from a stone.


Internet of Things

The IoT (Internet of Things) is a digital interconnection network between devices. The IoT connects all devices to the Internet, from those found in the house to those of businesses. Devices receive and transfer data over wireless networks.



Representation of something or action that imitates what happens in reality. It takes advantage of the data in real time so that it is visualized in a virtual environment what would happen in a real physical evironment.

Augmented Reality

This technology allows the user to obtain relevant information about their environment and what they want to know in real time. The areas of application are immense, from television, video games, simulation, to tourism.

Cloud computing

Is a storage computing service that is, the user's computer should no longer have all the programs, software and data installed because the network of computers that are part of the cloud takes care of this storage.A simple example is email.

Integration Systems

Integration systems allows the various platforms and company systems to connect with each other, sharing information and functioning as a simple platform.

Immersion in the Cloud

Immersion in the cloud is an asset that grows day by day, it is available at anytime and anywhere with total access to share and enjoy it. But with all of this we must take into consideration the responsibility that we have so that our information is safe and secure.

Virtual Machines

Is an environment where an operating system used over the main operating system of the computer is installed.

Some applications on the marketto create virtual machines:

  • VirtualBox
  • VMWare Workstation
  • Parallels Desktop
  • Hyper-V
  • Windows SandBox
  • Xen

Storage in the cloud

Cloud storage is used to store all kinds of information and for the protection of such. In the cloud you can have all files available at anytime, anywhere. When talking about storage we mus take into account the size of all files. There's four basic terms when refering to storage: bit, byte, internet speed, and RAM.


The term byte is used to measure the storage capacity of a certian device.


It's defined as the minimum unit of information that a digital or electronic device can have.

Internet Speed

It's measured in megabytes per second which corresponds to the number of data transmited in that amount of time.


Memory that stoers data that is being used at that moment but it is not permanently saved. With more RAM you can manage more apps.


OneDrive is a cloud storage tool that allows you to access from anywhere you are, you can make use of its multiple functionalities to upload and download files, to share information of any kind, no matter the size of the file, and to delete files and folders that you don´t require, among other activities.One of the great advantages is that if your comuter breaks down or loses the USB memory where you had stored the information, you will not have to worry about your folders and files, since once they are on OneDrive tool, you will be sure that these and any information you have uploaded will be available anywhere and at any time

Backup copies

It is recommended to form the habit of making backup copies of your information, in case some unforeseen event occurs. There are several methods to store a backup of the information, to optimize the storage and protect it from events beyond our reach.Compression. This method is used to reduce the weight of the files that are being saved.Redundancy. It allows you to generate several backup copies and store them in different places.Reduplication. It allows data compression and is used specifically to eliminate duplicate copies of data.Encryption. This method is used to protect information against potential security vulnerabilities.

Backup in the Cloud

It allows the storage of information outside the website, the computer or the hard disk. This is an alternative way to safeguard information. Information storage in the clouds is divided into: public storage in the cloud, private cloud storage, and hybrid cloud storage.


Data Protection

Data protection refers tot he fundamental principles, safeguards and practices put in place to protect your personal information and ensure that you maintain its control.


Personal information includes:

  • Age
  • Adress
  • Phone Number
  • Personal email
  • Academic, work or professional trajectory
  • Heritage
  • Social Security number
  • CURP, among others


It is the behavior that is characterized by the loss of control over the use of the internet.



It’s a term used to describe when a child or adolescent is harassed through the internet.

The set of actions an adult who, deliberately, tries as far as possible to obtain the affection of a minor in a way they can have control over them.

Digital Responsibility

We all have the responsibility to take care of the information that we publish on any website or social network and not to harm or injure third parties; likewise, we must be aware not to misuse the information published on the Internet and on social networks. Some dangers of the internet are:


Sofia Cantu: Industry 4.0 has such a wide range of concepts and areas, all of them with a different purpose but all somehow connected. I think that two of the most important things about all of this are digital responsibility and data protection, since not worrying about it can cause a lot of issues involving our personal information; it's something we will always have to care about when using technology in any of its forms. A lot of the terms we viewed in this stage are constantly brought up when using devices, which makes it quite helpful to know about them.Sofia Cardona: This topic was a new topic for me, and i learned about many things that i didn´t knew they existed. And in my opinion Industry 4.0 will have a huge impact in the future, because this is new technology, and could beneficiate us in many ways, also all the other topics were really intresting and helpful. I´ve learnt about taking care of my personal information, and about the speed of our internet. And i hope i can learn new more things(:


Alejandro Carrera: The topics seen in the classes are used today, I think the world feels lost every time without them, in today's pandemic it has been the methods of working from home, studying to run large companies; What is big data, autonomy robots, cybersecurity, 3D printing, the internet of things, simulations, argued reality, cloud computing and integration systems, are fundamental, for what we know today like the world of the internet, since this includes from the mobile. telephone to automated machines or highly advanced robotsDaniela Carrillo: This are things that i didn’t know but they are very important and made me have conscience of the dangers in the internet and how i can avoid them and as a user of the internet and social networks I’ll follow the suggestions this stage gave me.Oziel Cavazos: This might be things that we are going to use in our daily life and the future, so is important to know about, and more now because the world is becoming digital and eventually this will help us a lot.





  • What is Industry 4.0? - page 5-7
  • Pillars of Industry 4.0 - page 7-14
  • Immersion in the Cloud - page 15
  • Virtual Machines - page 16
  • Storage in the Cloud - page 16-20
  • OneDrive application - page 20-26
  • Backup copies - page 27-28
  • Data protection - page 32-34
  • Digital responsibility - page 34-35