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By: Albany Lawson
(click on the red dots for more info)
the subfields of psychology
psychology is described as "the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given context". so with that being said , psychologyhas the abolity to help us find problems within ourselves that we did not know we had. it helps us to  figure out in some cases why the way we are. not only that but also helps us recover from truama in some instances.
the benifits of psycology 
how does psycology benifit society
Personality Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Clinical Psychology
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Clinical Psychology

Developmental Psychology

Personality Psychology

how does psycology benifit society


the benifits of psycology

psychology is described as "the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given context". so with that being said , psychologyhas the abolity to help us find problems within ourselves that we did not know we had. it helps us to figure out in some cases why the way we are. not only that but also helps us recover from truama in some instances.


the subfields of psychology

(click on the red dots for more info)

By: Albany Lawson

Personality psychology examines personality, which is the set of characteristics that influence a person’s thoughts, motivations, and behaviors. these psychologist study how a person looks at the world, their perspective. for example how they cope with certain situations. for example a funeral, a personality psychology could determine how a person could cope with a family member passing away

clinical psychologists also conduct research focused on developing new treatments for disorders. clinical psychologists help by assessing and treating mental, emotional and behavioral disorders. the even assist in everyday recurring problems such as stress and relationship issues

Developmental psychologists study how people grow and change physically, mentally, and emotionally over the course of a lifetime. developemental psychologists help with the mentality of an adolescent as far as helping them develope on track, see how they are doing and even help them through problems. for example if they are being bullied or if they're problems in the home of the child.

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