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Charles Darwin





1822- 1895

Jean Baptiste de Lamarck



Alfred Wallace

1893 -1981


Louis Pasteur

Harold Urey

Alexander Ivánovich Oparin


Oscillating or pulsating Universe

Origin of the Universe Proposes that at some moment the attraction of the force of gravity will be greater than the impulse force resulting from the explosion; therefore, the Universe will stop its expansion and will collapse back to its starting point, that is, a grand implosion or Big. Crunch will occur. This will produce a pattern of explosions and implosions that will happen indefinitely or eternally.



Juan Oró


Big Bang or great explosion


Stanley Miller


Stationary state


Inflationary state

He demonstrated that organic matter of his flasks didn´t decompose because other microbes from the exterior didn´t arrive to colonize then and, of course, new microbes didn´t appear there by spontaneous generation.

Lamarck's new version of 1809 appealed to explain the origin of the first living beings, basically microbes; through which all the plant and animal species that inhabit the world descended from the microbes, through continuous modifications.

Wallace foresaw a type of selection among species that compete for the resources of the environment that would leave only the most adapted standing.

For Darwin the members of any species were all different and found them- selves in the necessity to compete among them to obtain their food, which was scarce. This struggle would cause only some individuals with superior or advan- tageous characters to survive the contest for life, inheriting their characteristics to their offspring.

He proposes that at some point the attraction of the force of gravity will be greater than the impulse force resulting from the explosion; therefore, the Universe will stop its expansion and will collapse back to its starting point, that is, a great or Great implosion. A crackle will occur This will produce a pattern of explosions and implosions that will happen indefinitely or eternally.

He proposed that te first living beings, unicellular and anaerobic microbes, specifically, must have risen starting from inorganic matter wich transformed by a process of chemical evolution.

Conducted an experiment showing that various organic components could form spontaneously if conditions in Earth's early atmosphere were simulated.

He used laboratory simulation of chemical conditions on early Earth to show that the spontaneous synthesis of these compounds could have been an early stage in the origin of life.

Opposes the Big Bang and the Big Crunch. In its place, it proposes that the Universe is in constant expansion due to the continuous creation of new matter that fills the gaps from the center of the Universe, left by matter that was previously displaced. In this manner it complies with the requisite of showing an apparently calm Universe; and homogeneous in content of galaxies from all directions from which it is observed.

It is an addition to the Big Bang Explain that in the initial seconds of the explosion, the matter expanded in an exponential or inflationary way, which is consistent with the homogeneity observed from any direction and also with the fact that the explosion exceeded the powerful initial force gravity, when all matter was closer to the rest of matter.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

Joan Oró was one of the precursors of the theory of panspermia as the cause of the origin of life on our planet. The theory of panspermia holds that the organic matter that gave rise to life could reach our planet in comets that impacted on the early Earth.

Proposes that the phenomenon that caused the expansion was a great explosion that took place 14,000 million years ago. Then, matter and light that exist today hadn't appeared yet. All particles that formed the atoms of the Universe have passed a process of transformation. The proofs of this theory are cosmic background radiation and the fact that the hydrogen/helium ratio that exists in the Universe is practically the same as that calculated by the model.