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good hygiene

abbygail londoño alejandra avila

good hygiene and bad hygiene

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dialogue between doctors about good hygiene and bad hygiene




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Aleja hello how are you abby hello fine aleja today a patient came whit a poor hygiene and i wanted to ask you what is the importance of good hygieneabby you are nice to other person , you prevent diseases , you are better person , you avoid bad smells

good hygiene

bad hygiene

Título 1

Abby If the consequences of good hygiene are good, what would the consequences of bad hygiene be? Aleja good question the consequences of bad hygiene are you get sick you have bad smells nobody comes near you and you could lead a bad life

bad hygiene


. to improve your lifestyle you need to eat healthy drink more water, do exercise and not eat candy in extreme quantities.How can you improve your lifestyle? eating healthy playing sports reading to strengthen your brain

how to improve your lifestyle

thank you