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We know this as the ground level is uneven.
↙️ Aftermath
This causes serious damage over large areas. This was a convergent earthquake meaning  two plates collide and one falls under the other.
With this magnitude it would cause serious damage making cracks in the ground.
This earthquake had a high magnitude of 7.6 which is a major magnitude.
The Chi Chi Earthquake
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The Chi Chi Earthquake

This earthquake had a high magnitude of 7.6 which is a major magnitude.

With this magnitude it would cause serious damage making cracks in the ground.

This causes serious damage over large areas. This was a convergent earthquake meaning two plates collide and one falls under the other.

↙️ Aftermath

We know this as the ground level is uneven.

The chi chi earthquake occurred on the 21st of September, 1999 at 1:47 local time. In chi chi township of Nantou country.

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