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English SyllabusMs. Murphy2022-2023

*Things may change as the year progresses!

Course Objective: We will focus on the 4 domains of English: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. We will study a variety of short stories, poems, plays, & other forms of literature, plus non-fiction texts. Throw in some grammar, vocabulary and writing conventions too!


For each quarter, AR goals are made by choosing books students are interested in. Then from there students are responsible for checking out, reading, and notifying me when they would like to take an AR test. DEAR time every day is devoted to Independent Reading for this purpose, however students should be reading on their own time to keep up with their Independent Reading goals. Let's get reading!

Class Rules & Expectations

Expectations: Classroom rules mirror school rules. Our goal is to enjoy each other's company with respect for one another. Classroom Discipline: When that doesn't work, our class discipline plan starts with verbal warnings all the way up to removal from class, parent notification, and/or referral to office. This is rare since most of the time we have a good time. Don't be that guy...

Grading: IC will be updated weekly.

Grades are determined by your own motivation. It is up to you to keep up with the work and to resubmit assignments that recieve lower scores. Learn how to check Infinite Campus (weekly).

Academic Honesty: Do your own work & be honest about it. You have extensions on assignments and redos on anything that receives a low score. There's no reason to cheat. So don't do it.

Welcome to my class! Contact me: Molly Murphy mmurphy@hartdistrict.orgSchool Website: https://www.placeritajuniorhigh.org/

Classwork: It is on YOU to get the classwork done. Assignments are posted in Google Classroom for you to keep track of. You are also encouraged to resubmit any assignments that receive low scores. Improvement is based on fixing mistakes. Absences: See Google Classroom when absent. Then ask me for further details. Independent Reading: AR tests are required to be taken throughout the quarter. This is 10% of your grade.