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  1. Which of the following is found in plant cells but not in animal cells?
    1. Cell wall| Chloroplast
    2. Lysosomes
    3. Nucleolus
    4. Mitochondria
    5. Golgi Apparatus
    6. Centrioles
    7. Vacuole
    8. Ribosomes
    9. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
  2. Which of the following statements about living cells is false?
    1. They are found in all animals but not in all plants| Prokaryotic cells are more complex than eukaryotic cells
    2. Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus
    3. Lysosomes are present in animal cells
    4. Prokaryotic cells don't have a nucleus
    5. All animals contain eukaryotic cells
    6. Bacteria are made up of a single prokaryotic cell
    7. Ribosomes are present in plant cells
  3. Which organelle is responsible for making proteins?
    1. Ribosomes|Ribosome
    2. Lysosomes
    3. Mitochondria
    4. Vacuole
    5. Nucleolus
    6. Golgi Apparatus
  4. What is the name of the jelly-like substance that is inside the cell?
    1. Cytoplasm
    2. Cytoskeleton
    3. Chloroplast
    4. Nucleus
    5. Vesicle
    6. Centrioles
  5. Which organelle helps the cell keep its shape?
    1. Cytoskeleton
    2. Cytoplasm
    3. Vacuole
    4. Mitochondria
    5. Golgi Apparatus
    6. Centrioles
  6. Chromosomes are found in the ...
    1. Nucleus
    2. Cytoplasm
    3. Cytoskeleton
    4. Cell membrane
    5. Chromatin
    6. Golgi Apparatus
  7. Where does the assembly of protein begin?
    1. Nucleolus
    2. Cytoplasm
    3. Mitochondria
    4. Vacuole
    5. Lysosomes
    6. Ribosomes
  8. What part of the cell serves to process, package and export proteins?
    1. Golgi Apparatus
    2. Nucleus
    3. Cytoplasm
    4. Endoplasmic Reticulum
    5. Vesicle
    6. Lysosomes
  9. Where are ribosomes usually located in animal and plant cells?
    1. On the rough endoplasmic reitculum
    2. Inside the nucleolus
    3. Inside the vacuole
    4. Inside the mitochondrion
    5. On the cell membrane
    6. Inside the vesicle
  10. Which organelles break down lipids, carbohydrates and proteins?
    1. Lysosomes
    2. Ribosomes
    3. Nucleus
    4. Mitochondria
    5. Vacuole
    6. Cell membrane
    7. Nucleolus
    8. Chromosomes

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