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DNA virus
Genital herpes
Herpes type 2 
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  • Antibody test: detects immune proteins called immunoglobulin
  • DNA test: PCR detects genetic material, skin and spinal fluids

from mother to child after birth

genitals rubbing, skin to skin contact


Sexual contact

  • Antiviral therapy that stop the shedding
  • Anti herpes medicines that reduce symptoms
  • Condom usage
  • Consent and talking with sexual couples

STD, the virus invades first genitals epithelial cells and replicates to other areas with sacral ganglia skin, lytic cycle destroys sensory neurons


by saliva, mucous, fluids



Sympt oms

Methods of transmission

DNA virus

Genital herpes

  • Scrabs and ulcers, it's painful to urinate
  • Skin and mucous membrane lesions above the waist
  • Pain, burning and tenderness
  • Thights, legs, anus, urethra, vaginal area, cervix, external genital, penis and scrotum
  • Asymptomatic/contagious

HSV-2Herpes type 2