Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Desert Island Escape

Try to help yourself by exploring the island.

Wait for help and hope that someone rescues you.

Stranded and Alone

You are stranded on an island. As you look around, nobody else seems to be there. You also realize that you do not have any food or water. You need to make a quick decision. Either you wait for help or you help yourself...




There are two resources which are most crucial for your survival. Choose which one you want to acquire first.

A locked gate

You walk a while on the island and discover a locked gate. Something splashing can be heard behind it. Maybe a water source? In order to open the gate, the following task must be completed.

You open the gate and can't believe your eyes. You are very lucky and find a hidden sweet water source. You drink as much as you can. Then you decide to get some food into your belly.

Sweet water

A locked gate

You walk an hour across the island. Suddenly, you smell something very delicious. You notice that it's coming from behind another locked gate. In order to open it, a task must be completed.

Awesome! You find a cave with all sorts of ready-to-eat food. But who left it there? You decide that it's better to fill your belly instead of starving to death. Then you decide to find the person who left the food here.

Food supply

Awesome! You find a cave with all sorts of ready-to-eat food. But who left it there? You decide that it's better to fill your belly instead of starving to death. Then you decide to find the person who left the food here.

Food supply

A locked gate

You walk an hour across the island. Suddenly, you smell something very delicious. You notice that it's coming from behind another locked gate. In order to open it, a task must be completed.

Awesome! You find a cave with all sorts of ready-to-eat food. But who left it there? You decide that it's better to fill your belly instead of starving to death. Then you decide to find the person who left the food here. But first you need water.

Food supply

A locked gate

You walk a while on the island and discover a locked gate. Something splashing can be heard behind it. Maybe a water source? In order to open the gate, the following task must be completed.

You open the gate and can't believe your eyes. You are very lucky and find a hidden sweet water source. You drink as much as you can. Then you decide to find the person who left the food behind the first gate.

Sweet water

When you get to some hidden stairs in the forest, you see an old man. "I will tell you how to get off this cursed island. However, you need to do something for me." He hands you a paper and wants you to listen very carefully now...

An old man's last wish

"Ahh, my wife can finally rest in peace and so can I." After successfully completing his task, he tells you of a secret ruin where you should go next. As you turn back, he has already disappeared.

An old man's last wish

...click somewhere in the picture to continue...

After a long walk, you finally get to the ruin. Maybe there is a way to enter. "How about I take a close look at the entrance of the ruin? There must be a mechanism..."

The ruin

subtitle here

...click somewhere in the picture to continue...

You successfully solved the riddle and used the mechanism to open a door and enter the ruin. After walking through a dark corridor with a torch you found, you come to a seemingly dead end. Maybe there is a hidden switch here...

The inside of the ruin

...click somewhere in the picture to continue...

There was a button in the inside of the skull. You pressed it. A door appears. Maybe you should inspect it...

Another mechanism

Upon closer inspection, you find a mechanism and a note. It says: "Only if you solve this task, you may enter heaven." Heaven? You just want to get off this cursed island!

Another mechanism

You find a plane that is ready to set off. You decide to take your chances and fly this thing. Finally, you can get home!


Try again

You are dead

Too bad. You've waited for days, but no one came to your rescue. Maybe it's better to take life into your own hands.