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How to use them


was he?

didn't you?

did you?

aren't you?

are you?

wasn't he?

is she?

isn't she?

aren't we?

aren't I?

is he?

are they?

am I?

isn't it ?

A tag question is a small question that is attached, or "tagged", to the end of a sentence. Rather than repeat the main verb, a form of "be" or other auxiliary verb or modal is used in the tag.

It’s very windy today, isn’t it?

we are happy, aren't we?

You didn’t tell him, did you?

You came by train, didn’t you?

Sentence Pattern

If the sentence is negative, the label is usually positive, and vice versa

she is never on time, is she?

I never told you that, did I?

Nobody left a message, did they?

He never drinks alcohol, does he?

Sentence Pattern note

Sentences with negative words are considered to be negative. Therefore, they require positive tag question endings

Wait here until I return, will you? Wait here until I return, would you?

Use “will” or “would” with imperative sentences (commands).

You’ll bring the other things, won’t you?

Use “won’t” for polite request tags.

I’m on time, aren’t I?

Use “aren’t I” in tags to mean “I am not”.

Let’s invite the neighbours over for dinner on the weekend, shall we?

Twelve Rules for Tag Questions

After “let’s”, the tag begins with “shall”.

This is your pen, isn’t it?That is not your dog, is it?

Use “it” in a question tag when the sentence includes the words “this” or “that

Paul is a good tennis player, isn’t he? Betty has a good job, hasn’t she?

Use pronouns for people, not proper names, in question tags

You have enough money, haven’t you? (British English) You have enough money, don’t you? (North American English)

Two endings are possible when “have” is the main verb of the sentence.

This must be the address, mustn’t it?

Twelve Rules for Tag Questions

Use “mustn’t” with the modal “must”

You used to go skating very often, didn’t you?”

Use “didn’t” when the sentence includes the verb “used to”.

Everyone is here now, aren’t they? Nobody has eaten yet, have they?

Use “they” when the sentence includes indefinite pronouns (nobody, no one, someone, somebody, everyone, everybody).

There is a lot of work to do today, isn’t there?

Use “there” in a question tag when the sentences includes “there + a form of be”.

Those are your sandals, aren’t they?

Twelve Rules for Tag Questions

Use “they” in a question tag when the sentence includes “these” or “those”

La teacher Naty

¡Muchas gracias!