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Introduction to Programming

With Python

What is programming?

Let´s start by the beginning

Programming is writing computer code to create a program, to solve a problem. Programs are created to implement algorithms. Algorithms can be represented as pseudocode or a flowchart, and programming is the translation of these into a computer program.

Something every future programmer should see

Why is it important ?

A programming language is an artificial language that a computer understands. The language is made up of series of statements that fit together to form instructions. These instructions tell a computer what to do.A computer can only be programmed using special programming languages such as Python. If you enter a command in a human language, it will cause an error.

How can I tell a computer what to do?

How to make them?


When are necessary?

What are they?

In the realm of computer science, algorithms are a specific set of instructions and operations that a computer program carries out to accomplish various tasks.


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20.20 h

Consider this simple problem. A cinema is offering discount tickets to anyone who is under 15. Decomposing this problem, gives this algorithm:

How do we use algorithms in programming?

Let´s work on some examples

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Making a grilled cheese sandwich

Plant a flower

Walk the dog

Is a backend programming language that's great for beginners.







This is the quick path we will take to start programming

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Sección III