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Evo E-Sports
Evo Gaming is a tight knit multi-platform gaming community that is currently on the path to being an developed discord community! We aim to start competing in small tournaments which will give us access to start hosting open lobby tournaments in the near future!
Who are we?
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Who are we?

Evo Gaming is a tight knit multi-platform gaming community that is currently on the path to being an developed discord community! We aim to start competing in small tournaments which will give us access to start hosting open lobby tournaments in the near future!

Evo E-Sports






Team Work

Casual Oppa

Recruiting now!

Do you have a competitive team?Yes! There is no try-out to be in the normal Competitive team. Must be fully active and dedicated.For those that feel like normal competitive gameplay is easy and want a new challenge, we are now creating Competitive eSports Teams so that we can test your skills against some of the professionals in the eSports tournaments! The requirement to join the eSports team will consist of a try-out that we have set up specifically for those who wish to be the best gamers.



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